I Thought I'd post a funny tidbit concerning the baby in the family. Sass or ,Skunk, as her grandpa calls her, is so sweet and lovable but she does have her times of naughtiness. Sassy especially enjoys chewing on slippers and socks! The only problem comes when Grandpa can only find one of his socks and he is trying to get ready for church! He can usually find his socks with his granddogger though! LOL! She is DEFINITELY a Grandma girl! Course' grandma doesn't spoil her or anything!LOL! I'll post pictures later. Enjoy watching Sass attack her favorite food, Corn on the Cob with much gusto! Pardon my Dads voice in there. The laying your ears back when you eat is a family joke...:) Notice that about half way through the video she looks up at me. She had eaten all the corn on that side of the cob and wanted more! TOO FUNNY!
Oh by the way only 170 more days til' graduation! Yeah!!!
Oh by the way only 170 more days til' graduation! Yeah!!!