Thursday, August 27, 2009
My life...
has officially shifted into HIGH GEAR. I am rapidly approaching a neck breaking speed... It seems so strange to think that just a few years ago time was seemingly dragging by... then all of a sudden it is like oh WOW, where in the world is my life going? I just turned seventeen... What? I'm almost just as close to 18 as what I am to 17. I will be graduating in another year... You're kidding me? I've been graduated for nearly 4 months? It's 14 more weeks until school starts... WOW school starts on Monday! This is just a sample of how this past year has gone for me. My life is, in my Uncle Brian's terms, "whirling out of control" :-) as far as how fast it is going, anyway! Do any of you feel like this sometimes? I have some other stuff to post, but that will have to be tomorrow or Saturday. Have a great evening y'all!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I'm finally back to the blogging world! Hope you all are doing good! I have been pretty good, but super busy! And life is getting ready to become ALOT busier with school starting in a less than a week! I am really excited about this year and with God's help I know we can have the best year we have ever had!! Isn't it wonderful to place every situation in His hands and let Him take care of the details?!?! Truly, we serve an AMAZING God!!! I am going to post a Wonderful World Wednesday post tomorrow but for now, I must skedaddle!! Have a great day everyone!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
For Justin
The background and the song, Jesus Loves Me, is for my precious angel cousin.
Love You Justin!
Love You Justin!
Our Loss...Heaven's Gain

Dear Justin,
Happy Birthday, my sweet little cousin! Today you are spending your Tenth Birthday with the King of Kings. August 19, 1999, you were born, yet that same day you were held in the arms of the One who made you. Your Daddy and Mommy waited a long time to have you... but you were well worth the wait! I was seven at the time and you were my first cousin on both sides of the family and I was SO excited to finally have someone to help me take all the spoiling! I remember that your Mommy was very sick before you were born, but she never complained, she was just so happy that you were coming! We planned and decorated and dreamed big dreams, while anxiously awaiting your arrival, but Jesus had even greater plans for you! I'll never forget sitting in that waiting room at the hospital with family and your Aunt Penny showed me a picture hanging on the wall... It was a picture of Jesus holding a baby, and she said that picture was like you were now, safe in the arms of Jesus. My mind goes back and I can still hear the crying and sense the deep sorrow that was present that day. I recall that it was raining when you were born, and it rained for most of that day. It seemed as though all of Heaven was crying with us... I had dreamed of holding you close, of whispering... I Love You, of touching your tiny face and brushing back your hair, I had dreamed of watching you grow and develop, but I never got to do any of those things. I never got to see you or hold you or say that I loved you. But, Justin, one of these days all the dreams I have had will become reality and I'll be able to do all of these things, when I see you in Heaven and then we'll be together... forever... at home! I have tried to imagine what you look like, those that seen you say that you looked like your Daddy, but you looked some like Mommy too. You were small, just one pound 11 ounces 11 and 1/2 inches long with tiny, tiny feet that I have seen the imprint of, but you left a HUGE impact on our lives and a HUGE hole in our hearts. Time helps, but it doesn't heal, often there are tears at the mention of your name, but keep waiting by the Eastern Gate, sweet Justin, cause' the pain has helped me to get a clearer vision of the city and I'll never take my eyes from it, I promise, I'll be home in the morning! Oh and Justin, I Love You!
Love Forever and Always,
Happy Belated 8th Birthday Lukey!
On August 17th,2001, our family was blessed with a 5lb.5oz. Baby Boy named, Luke Daniel! From the time he was just a baby he has always had a bubbly personality, "too cute for his own good" looks, and an infectious smile! Most importantly though, he has always been sensitive to the Lord! Lukey, Hope you had a very happy 8th Birthday!! You are very special and I love you very much!! Jesus, has BIG plans for you just keep listening to Him, K?
p.s. Sassy says,"Hope you had a Pawsitively wonderful birthday, Luke!"
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Among The Living!
Yes, truly I am still here, but I have been very busy, thus my absence from the blog world! Since my return home, I have been unpacking, doing laundry, cleaning my room, etc. You all know how that is though... :-) Now, I am relaxing a bit! YAY!!! I have some pictures to share with you from my trip! Hope you enjoy them. Also, Thank You to all of you who prayed for Jeff, Grace, and Nathan while they were on their trip, the Lord brought them safely back to good ol' Sebring on Friday!!
A Picture I couldn't pass up, but didn't have room for on the smilebox!
This is Ryan and Bethany!!
I have one of Bethany and I that I'll have to post later, cause' I don't have it on my computer right now... Just wait til' you see it and then you will see that there are other people in this world dress in bright colors just like me!!! LOVE IT!!!! Bethany and I have SO much in common!! From loving Honey Mustard to liking the same colors, to wearing matching colors nearly every day that I was there without even talking about it, to having identical pink and brown Bibles, to the more important stuff like our beliefs and value systems, we are just about as close as you can get. What a blessing to have such a wonderful friend as Bethany!! We talked for HOURS mostly after 11:3o p.m. chuckle chuckle!!
Have a great night everyone!! Hope to have some more "entertaining" posts next week, but until then, have a G-R-E-A-T night!!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
After a very full and fun week with my Best Friend, Bethany, I am now home. I arrived at Orlando Airport yesterday afternoon at approximately 4:40! I was about the tenth person off the plane and the sight that I beheld when I reached the end of that LONG "tunnel" made me so happy! My Parents!! The weather upon arrival was actually nicer here than it was in Raleigh-Durham. Anyway, I had a good flight and am so happy to be back home with all my family!! Pictures to come later but for now remember:
~God's in His Heaven all's right with the world~
~God's in His Heaven all's right with the world~
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
It's That Time Again...
That's right it's time for another Wonderful World Wednesday post! Of course this one is minus the logo because I don't have that pic on my computer. So without further adieu, here is this weeks WWW.
1. I had a safe flight.
2. I have been enjoying my trip alot!
3. I have laughed so much!
4. Learned how to play a new game called Taboo, SO FUN!!!!!!
5. I have met some new people.
6. Spent time with my truly incredible friend, Bethany!! It's been great!!
And a whole lot of other things as well has factored into making my week wonderful!
I have had a blast here, but I am ready to come home and see all of my wonderful family!! I can't wait to see my Mom and Pop at the airport!!!!! (If Dad can come... if not I'll see him later that night of course~) Love you all so much!!!
Have a great day my friends!
1. I had a safe flight.
2. I have been enjoying my trip alot!
3. I have laughed so much!
4. Learned how to play a new game called Taboo, SO FUN!!!!!!
5. I have met some new people.
6. Spent time with my truly incredible friend, Bethany!! It's been great!!
And a whole lot of other things as well has factored into making my week wonderful!
I have had a blast here, but I am ready to come home and see all of my wonderful family!! I can't wait to see my Mom and Pop at the airport!!!!! (If Dad can come... if not I'll see him later that night of course~) Love you all so much!!!
Have a great day my friends!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Hello From the North!
Hello everyone!! It's me here in North Carolina popping in. My flight on Saturday went extremely well and I am very thankful! I was able to get a good seat and there was little turbulence. I have been having a wonderful time here with the Covert family!
Sunday morning the Lord's presence was so near that it felt like you could reach out and touch Him. It was so incredible!!
I am preparing a Wonderful World Wednesday post for tomorrow and will fill you in on a bit more of what I have been up to on there so keep your eye on the blog... grin... after I get home I will have pics and all that good stuff! For now I gotta run... have a great day!!!
Sunday morning the Lord's presence was so near that it felt like you could reach out and touch Him. It was so incredible!!
I am preparing a Wonderful World Wednesday post for tomorrow and will fill you in on a bit more of what I have been up to on there so keep your eye on the blog... grin... after I get home I will have pics and all that good stuff! For now I gotta run... have a great day!!!
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