Hello All! I'm back to blogland finally! I know it's been forever... but I promise to do better. I have been enjoying facebook... so that's my confession. grin! However, what would I do without you wonderful readers?!?! Today I'd like to give a special reader award to, Wanda Viehdorfer, for her faithful reading and encouragement to keep writing! Thank-You, Wanda, for reading my blog! May the Lord richly bless you and yours!
Okay... On to bigger things. Today's Scripture Saturday Text is: Psalms 37:4
"Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."
Truly this is a wonderful Scripture! How incredible it is to allow the Lord to lead our lives, for when we do, we find that the Lord will give us the BEST. This Scripture has been misunderstood by some, and it has been said that as long as we're good then the Lord will give us exactly what we want, when we want it. This is a false doctrine. Let's take this verse one section at a time and see what it really says.
"Delight thyself also in the Lord;" This means that we must obey the Lord with a willing spirit, if we don't have a willing spirit, we aren't obeying any way... here's an example. You can tell a child to clean up there room, and they may do it. BUT, if that child in their heart is saying I don't want to, I shouldn't have to etc... and through their eyes you can tell that they are mad, then they are not fully obeying, even though they are doing the thing required of them. So it is in our spiritual lives. We may do what God asks but if we do it with an angry, unwilling heart, we are not fully obeying His will. When we do not COMPLETELY obey Him, we cannot have the benefits of His approval. When we do our part, then, and only then, will we reap the benefits.
"and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." This means that the Lord will give us His best. Whatever will be the most beneficial... Where it says that we will be given the desires of our hearts, is where I get so excited! When we are in complete obedience to Him, our desires then become what He wants. So even if situations don't always turn out like we thought they maybe would, it is NEVER a disappointment because, God's ways are always BEST and things always turn out BEST when God is in control! Isn't it amazing how God works in our lives and helps us to have a heart that has the same cry and desires as His?
So let's take time to thank the Lord for all He's done for us including all those things He does for us that seems so insignificant to others. (more on that next week)smile! Hope all this rambling of mine has made some sort of sense. I got all excited over this verse this week and I hope I've made some sort of sense... wink.