
God's promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine. ~David Nicholas

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Almost done Christmas shopping...
Almost done wrapping presents...
Almost time to have our candlelight service...
Almost time to have Christmas with my parents...
Almost time to be with family and friends...
ALmost time to celebrate the Greatest Gift of all...JESUS!

Happy Two days before Christmas!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A time to praise

Thank-You Lord, for this beautiful day...
Thank-You Lord, for coming to such a wretch as I...
Thank-You Lord, for being the perfect sacrifice...
Thank-You Lord, for Salvation...
Thank-You Lord, for Complete Sanctification...
Thank-You Lord, for Calvary...
Thank-You Lord, for the EMPTY tomb...
Thank-You Lord, for Amazing Grace...
Thank-You Lord, for My family...
Thank-You Lord, for My friends...
Thank-You Lord, for this beautiful day...
Thank-You Lord, for My country...
Thank-You Lord, for a Godly Heritage...
Thank-You Lord, for my church...
Thank-You Lord, for Your presence tonight in the service...
Thank-You Lord, for the message YOU gave us to share tonight...
Thank-You Lord, for Everything!

Sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of this beautiful time of year, we need to stop and remind ourseldves of WHO we are celebrating and WHY! COnsider this a brag post... I'm just bragging on Jesus! He has done so much for me so how can I help but praise His Matchless Name! May the name of Jesus be lifted high and glorified this Christmas Season!

Goodnight All~

Monday, December 7, 2009

It's That Special Time Of Year Again...

When you stop and think about the Baby born in Bethlehem. I think this year I have thought more about Jesus birth than in past years. Maybe it's because I'm about the same age as Mary would have been when she had Jesus... or maybe it's because I'm playing the part of Mary in the Christmas program for the first time... I don't know but whatever the reason I have been pondering over how Mary would have felt.

What would it have been like to have been visited by an angel and be told that you were going to be the mother of the Messiah? I imagine that I (had I been Mary) would have felt first, so unworthy. A lowly girl from Nazareth chosen to carry and rear the King of Kings!

Second, I would have felt oh so mixed up in my emotions. I mean I would have felt scared of what my parents, Joseph, my family, my friends, and the townspeople would have to say when they found out that I was having a baby. I would have felt at the same time, incredibly excited! Imagine being the first to know that the Messiah, the King of the Universe, the Saviour of the world was coming! Think of how you would have felt to know that your baby, would be the great I AM!!

Thirdly, I think Mary felt sad. As one story so aptly says, Jesus was born crucified. He was born with love and compassion in His eyes and the cross in His heart. I would think that Mary probably prayed many times that Her son would not have to be crucified. While she was happy that the Saviour was coming, I'm sure she wished that man could be saved by another way besides her Son's death.

Fourthly, Imagine with me that night at the stable when Jesus was born. The awe and amazement that must have washed over Mary as she looked at her newborn Son, and knew that she was looking into the face of God. I can imagine being her and kissing my baby's cheek and thinking, "I just kissed the face of the Almighty!" Think of holding your child and knowing that you held the Messiah! I would have been on my knees before my Son, worshipping Him! I believe that Mary and Joseph were on their knees before the Christ-Child too!

There are so many more emotions and feelings that Mary must have felt, but for now I have given myself enough to chew on... enough food for thought... If you didn't get anything out of this, that's OK. This blog is really just a place for me to put my thoughts and feelings, so just consider this for me if you want! :)

Will be writing more soon!