Yep, you guessed it, it's been rainin' all day. How do you feel about rainy days?
Do rainy days make you feel gloomy or cozy? Do you light candles or turn on actual lights or some of both? Do you like hard rain or light drizzles? Do you like thunderstorms or just rain? Are you one who enjoys lightning? Do you listen to music? If so what kind, singing, classical, christmas? :-) Well, I'll tell you my answers...
1. It makes me feel cozy
2.I light candles and turn on "soft light" lamps
3.As far as the rain it doesn't matter how soft or hard it rains
4.I like just rain
5.I HATE lightning
6.I LOVE listening to music on rainy days!
7.I normally listen to classical or christmas or just piano music
Have a cozy and happy evening with your families, my friends, and remember that Jesus loves you very much!!
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