Hello to all my friends out there! Hope you all are having a wonderful morning filled with all the things you love best! So, I have been a bit neglectant, with these It's A Wonderful World Wednesday posts... but they are back!
The Lord has been so good to me and I must praise Him! That is the main reason why I started this, but another reason is that so many people only dwell on the dark and dismal side of life and never stop to "smell the roses" instead they complain about the thorns. I, as a Christian, feel like I must stand up and thank Jesus for all the GOOD things in my life! I want to live so that people will say she was thankful for the thorns because they made the roses much more beautiful! I have a long way to go, I know. However, doing these posts make me stop and really count my blessings. So sit back and take a look at this very blessed life of mine.
My World has been Wonderful this week because:
1.I got to be with my Mum and Poppy for three and a half days this past weekend!
2.Last Friday, the Lord answered a very urgent prayer request on behalf of my family!
3.On Friday I was able to find two pairs of shoes on a good sale.(A blessing because my shoe size isn't always easy to find.)
4.Saturday I got to spend a beautiful holiday with my family and got to watch fireworks with some very special friends!
5.Sunday I was able to hear two wonderful messages! Sunday morning's message was about being freeborn. AWESOME!! Sunday night's message was about the new philosophies of "Christianity" and the true way of Holiness. It was INCREDIBLE
6.Monday the Lord helped me figure out what to do about a situation. Thank you, Jesus!
7.Tuesday I got some Ben & Jerry's half baked cookie doe and fudge icecream as a treat! I also got homemade banana muffins! YUMMY!! (thanks Aunt Kathy!)
8.This morning I have had time with my Mom and Sassy, I'm breathing and am very happy in my heart! Thank You, Jesus, for a beautiful morning!
These are just a few reaons why I feel so blessed! Hope you have a wonderful day and an excellent service tonight! May God Bless You ALL!
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