
God's promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine. ~David Nicholas

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Earmuffs in Florida!

These poor fish and seahorse isn't the only thing that need earmuffs tonight! It registered 36 degrees, for the outside temp, on our thermometer in the car, on the way home from church tonight! YECH! That is to cold in my opinion! Friday night will be colder than tonight... I've been threatening to move to the South Pole if the weather doesn't get a little warmer soon! lol!
The above pic was taken at ICE in Orlando this year! Ice is defined as 2 million pounds of ice sculpted into beautiful displays! It is an amazing sight to behold for sure!! Maybe I'll post some more pics of it soon! I am going to go for now but I'll post more soon! Got a field trip tomorrow and I definitely NEED my beauty rest! lol! Sleep Tight!

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