
God's promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine. ~David Nicholas

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year Everyone!

Hope you all have had a wonderful first day of 2009! Although we do not know what this year holds for us, we can rest in the knowledge that God is in control and HE knows what is going to happen and has already set aside special grace for His children!

This year promises to be eventful with my seventeenth birthday just a little over two months away and graduation four months away! I know that the next few months will be extremely busy, but I am excited! I will soon begin to write my speech and I have already begun Senior Pictures as well as picking out Graduation Announcements. Seeing as how I will probably be blogging alot more about graduation stuff, I guess I better tell you a little about it.

First--The colors are Navy and pastel yellow. My gown will be Navy and Emily and Jenny's gowns will be light blue. (They will be graduating form kindergarten.) I think the secondary color in the tassel will be white, seeing as how I can only find mustard yellow and gold. Yech! :-)

Second--The theme will be daisies. Since the ceremony will be held at 10 a.m. I didn't want a real heavy look, so I brought in the light yellow and daisies to give it a more relaxed and springy feel. I want the decorations to give off a sense joy and excitement and most of all I want my guests to enjoy themselves and celebrate this milestone that the Lord has led me to.

There are many more details that I could tell you but I am not going to tell you! You'll just have to come to Bethel Holiness Church on May sixteenth at ten o'clock to find out the rest! smile...

I have to be at work in less than three hours and my mom and I are going to take the rest of Sister McNees' Christmas stuff down before Mum drops me off at work, I suppose I should sign off for now. Have a great evening everyone and keep smilin'!

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