Allegiance. What does allegiance mean? It means, devotion; loyalty. So when we say that we pledge allegiance to the United States of America, we are saying that we are pledging our undying devotion to America. Many people say the Pledge of Allegiance, but far too few really mean the words. By pledging our loyalty to our Country, do we have to accept everything that it does? No. What we are to uphold is the foundation upon which our Country was based. What was America based on? The Bible. Mostly everyone followed Scriptural Principles, when America was young. That is the reason why America was prosperous and was a strong rock to the world. As time has passed on the standards have been lowered, and thus our "power" has been reduced. Who is to blame for this lowering of the standards? The Church. If the church had continued to take a stand and hold the Biblical standards of Holiness high, then the products of those churches, which would have been our leaders, would've continued to be strong soldiers for God. But what has been done cannot be changed. However, we CAN change what the future will hold! How do we achieve this? By wholeheartedly, pledging our allegiance to the basis of what our Country was to be. We must band together and pray for America, and LOVE our Country enough to take a stand against the wickedness, that is everywhere in our land! If we do not stand up for the United States, someone else will, and will introduce their doctrine into our society and we will have lost a very precious thing that we have on this earth: Our America. The land of the FREE and the home of the brave.
Now the years have come and the years have gone
And the cause of Jesus still goes on
Now the time has come to count the cost
To reject this world, to embrace the cross
And one by one let us live our lives for
the One who died to give us life
til' the trumpet sounds on that final day
Let us proudly stand and boldly say:
I pledge Allegiance to the Lamb
with all my strength with all I am
I will seek to honor His command
I pledge Allegiance to the Lamb!
To the Lamb of God who bore my pain
who took my place, who bore my shame
I will seek to honor His command
I pledge Allegiance to the Lamb
This song is: I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb, by Rick Boltz
I think this song pretty much says everything that needs to be said about our devotion to God.
We must yield everything to Him, and stand tall for the cause of Christ! Let us live our lives so that Calvary's love can be seen in us! We have a message to give to the Nation(s) and God has given us the voice to speak up and out for Him! It is our wonderful yet great responsibility to use that voice to gather in many of His lost sheep. So today, let us Pledge our Allegiance to the Lamb of God!