Welcome to my first It's A Wonderful World Wednesday! I thought that this might be a good way to encourage all my friends out there to take a minute from the rat race we call life and meditate on the blessings that we have in life. From Family to Desserts, we all have things in our lives that make our "world's" wonderful! So I am going to do this post every Wednesday to remind myself and also to share with others the cool things that has made my world grand in the past week! If you would like to do this, please contact me and I will email you the "It's A Wonderful World Wednesday" header, so you can use it! I would love to have you all join me in thanking God for our blessings!
1.My God is Awesome! He has been blessing my heart with His love and presence this week! What a privilege it is to be a child of the King! I am in love with Jesus!!!!
2.My Pap-pa preached some incredible messages on Sunday! They were such an encouragement to me! He talked about the reasons why David's heart was fixed on the Lord. (Psalms chapter 57) It was terrific! The Lord is good to me! So very good to me...
3.I met a young lady this past week who seems to be a very sweet girl! She is a little older than I am but we "hit it off" pretty well! We're going to see each other again this week and we were both excited when we found that out! I can't wait to get to know her more!
4.I got another "possibility" for a child to take to church this week. I have talked to the Mother before but I talked with her again on Monday night and she was talking about letting him go soon! Isn't that Awesome?!?! G is a little over a year old now and is a real cutie! I sure hope that I will be able to bring him to church really soon!
5.On the more materialistic side of life, I had a Georgia Mud Fudge Blizzard with oreos in it this week! It was Sooooooooo good!! And I do mean G-O-O-D!!! Aren't you droolin' right now?!? smile!
Well, after all that, I can truly say that it's a Wonderful World! Thank-You Jesus for the blessings that you have given me!!
Have a great day my friends!
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