I guess I'll start with the one I've known the longest and that would be Kristen. Whenever I think of Kristen, I am overcome by a tidal wave of memories. From some very interesting children services in Florala, (including making woolly lambies at the age of 13/14) and getting suckers for good behaviour? To jungle fruit scented cleaning supplies, to the countless hours of conversation both when we are together and by phone. We've talked about everything... Kristen has taught me to be the person that God made me to be and not to change because of what other people think. She has increased my self confidence and has helped me to take a step out of my comfort zone. So Thank You, Kristen for being such an awesome friend! Truly you're the best! I thank God for the gift of your friendship!
Next would be Nathan. I got to know Nathan the end of 2004, but really became good friends with him in 2005 when they moved down from PA. Nathan started attending our church school in the fall of '05 and that was only the beginning of our friendship and I can't believe how much has happened. Nathan has become a very close friend to me and I am so thankful that God brought them here. Nathan and I have done alot of memorable things... I.E. coloring Elmo pages for our Spanish party decorations, spending some serious time bonding with caramel, (the school's horse) chuckle chuckle... having way too much fun in Math class with falling spelling word charts,playing Othello and finding the infamous pieces that have a yellow highlighter mark on them, pulling our teachers backwards down the church's sloping driveway on rolling chairs, and so on the list goes. But we've also spent alot of time talking about what we've just found in our devotions, how the Lord has showed us some areas to move up in, talking about Nathan's latest sermon topic, comparing sermon notes from the messages Pap-pa or an evangelist preached, and other things like this. Nathan has taught me that if you rely upon God, you won't be shaken by the troubles of life, he has helped me to see the love that God has for His children in an even deeper sense by pointing out the little blessings that we often take for granted, such as a bird singing in the tree. Thank You, Nathan, for being my friend! You are the best! I thank Jesus, for the gift of your friendship!
And last but certainly not least is Bethany. Oh man, where do I even begin... Bethany have seen each other twice in the past 2 and a half years that we've known each other, but with our lengthy phone calls you could say we've known each other all our lives. smile! Bethany and I have talked about basically everything, from politics to shopping, to food, to the returning of our blessed Saviour. We've solved the world's problems many a time and we always end that conversation the same way. One of us will Say and the other will agree, "If everybody just followed the Lord, everything would be much better!" One thing Bethany and I have is extreme confidence in each other! We decided last year that we would make an excellent President and Vice President! Then we decided that we'd let Sarah Palin be President and Bethany would be Vice and I would be their not so humble advisor. We didn't think that Bethany's boyfriend, Ryan, would be into her being gone though lol! I will never forget how much we laughed during that phone call. We had a blast! Of course, we always do though! Bethany and I are like sisters and I know that I can call her at anytime about any situation and she will pray about it and will help me to see the situation clearly again. Bethany has taught me that life is about loving the Lord, holding onto the people that matter and letting the rest of the world and all their nitpicking go. Thank You, Bethany, for being my friend! You are the best, for sure! I thank the Lord for bringing you into my life just when I needed you!
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