There was rejoicing in Heaven over this homecoming
There was a crown placed on the head of this sweet man
There was a shout of praise as he seen his Saviour for the first time
There was a running and leaping that happened on the streets of glad when this precious man got his new, forever healthy, body.
Also, four years ago...
There was a phone call that changed our lives forever
There was shock
There was tears
There was heartache
There was joy that this loving man was no longer in pain and would never have to give himself shots of insulin again...
There was peace because we KNEW that he was with Jesus
There is a wonderful man in Heaven...
There is still shouting, running, and joyous praise happening...
There is still rejoicing in Heaven that this pilgrim is home...
There is a caring and wonderful man who is "pulling" for me to make it home.
Also today...
There is still tears...
There is still heartache...
There is still joy...
There is still peace...
There is a fervent determination to make it home to see him this man once again and forever praise and glorify THE KING!!!
This man is my Uncle Paul.

He passed away 4 years ago yesterday, and with him he took a piece of my heart. Now some of my heart is over in glory with alot of other pieces too... (you see I have several loved ones over there that have pieces of my heart with them :) ) and because of that my desire is even stronger to go home! My heart YEARNS to go home! I want to see Jesus most of all and praise HIM forever for making it possible for me to be HIS child! Then I want to see all those dear ones that have already made the crossing safely!
Uncle Paul, you are greatly missed! Your hugs, your smile, your rumbling laughter, your love for God, your testimonies... the list goes on... you are so so missed! I love you and can't wait to come HOME and see you again! Keep waiting at the Eastern Gate, for I'm coming in the morning! Give Justin a hug and kiss from me and tell him I can't wait to meet him and that I love him!
Much Love Now and Always,
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