
God's promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine. ~David Nicholas

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Here am I, Lord, send me!

I gave up Heaven to come down to earth
gave up my glory to experience a lowly birth

I left my Father, my angels, my praise,
to come live among the ones that despised holy ways

I gave of my power, provisions, my life
only to be let down,rejected in my hour of strife

At the end I gave forgiveness and finally my all
to offer communion with God, not had since "The Fall"

So to you, I say, I gave my everything for thee,
What in return will you do for Me?

Would you be willing to leave your home
if I asked you for Me the earth to roam?

Would you leave family and friends behind
to from sin's pit, souls to mine?

Would you give of all your resources
to save and protect My sheep from Satan's forces?

Will you give your life, love, and devotion
to set in someone's heart, Calvary's plan in motion?

Is it too much to ask, your life for me to live
when I for you did everything give?

The call has gone forth, the message has been given,
who will go and see that my flock becomes marked not Condemned but FORGIVEN?

May these words become our creed,
may it be heard from sea to shining sea
"Here am I, Lord, send Me!"

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