
God's promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine. ~David Nicholas

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Living For A Miracle

So I've been thinking alot about how different this week and next would have been if Nathan and I were still together. We would be down to less than a week of when we would have been Mr. & Mrs. I would have been tending to last minute wedding details, anxiously awaiting the arrival of my Bridal Party (as none of them live here), and counting down the hours til I would be Nay's wife. But instead today, I am cleaning the carpet here at home, cleaning the back porch, and other non-essential things like that. So yeah, it's weird, to think about that. It seems strange to realise how different my life would be. I struggled for awhile, with the whole wedding thing. I didn't want to think about not getting married. I didn't want to face June 10th, with no ceremony... no Groom... no White dress... no anything happening that day. But you know what? I'm not struggling anymore. Why? Because back then I was living in for a wedding. Now, I'm living for a miracle.

Living for a miracle that God has promised me. One that is so beautiful and amazing that I cannot even begin to explain it. God took my focus off of June 10th, and instead placed it on a miracle that's coming... In His time. The "manna from Heaven" verse in the sidebar of my blog today, talks about God knowing my times. He knows exactly when the miracle is going to happen. He knows when that day of Wedded Bliss will come. He knows the exact date that I'll wear that White Dress and walk down the aisle to that Groom. He knows. And all He asked me to do was trust. Trust His Words... Trust His plan... and know that He will ALWAYS keep His promises.

So my friends, these days leading up to what would have been my Wedding Day, are not filled with fear, pain, and tears. They are filled with Hope, Anticipation and Joy, because I am living every moment of every single day for My PROMISED Miracle.

Happy Saturday, My friends! Rejoice in the Lord, for in Him we have peace, joy, and GREAT expectancy. Remember, the miracle could happen today!

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