Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Almost done wrapping presents...
Almost time to have our candlelight service...
Almost time to have Christmas with my parents...
Almost time to be with family and friends...
ALmost time to celebrate the Greatest Gift of all...JESUS!
Happy Two days before Christmas!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
A time to praise
Thank-You Lord, for coming to such a wretch as I...
Thank-You Lord, for being the perfect sacrifice...
Thank-You Lord, for Salvation...
Thank-You Lord, for Complete Sanctification...
Thank-You Lord, for Calvary...
Thank-You Lord, for the EMPTY tomb...
Thank-You Lord, for Amazing Grace...
Thank-You Lord, for My family...
Thank-You Lord, for My friends...
Thank-You Lord, for this beautiful day...
Thank-You Lord, for My country...
Thank-You Lord, for a Godly Heritage...
Thank-You Lord, for my church...
Thank-You Lord, for Your presence tonight in the service...
Thank-You Lord, for the message YOU gave us to share tonight...
Thank-You Lord, for Everything!
Sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of this beautiful time of year, we need to stop and remind ourseldves of WHO we are celebrating and WHY! COnsider this a brag post... I'm just bragging on Jesus! He has done so much for me so how can I help but praise His Matchless Name! May the name of Jesus be lifted high and glorified this Christmas Season!
Goodnight All~
Monday, December 7, 2009
It's That Special Time Of Year Again...
What would it have been like to have been visited by an angel and be told that you were going to be the mother of the Messiah? I imagine that I (had I been Mary) would have felt first, so unworthy. A lowly girl from Nazareth chosen to carry and rear the King of Kings!
Second, I would have felt oh so mixed up in my emotions. I mean I would have felt scared of what my parents, Joseph, my family, my friends, and the townspeople would have to say when they found out that I was having a baby. I would have felt at the same time, incredibly excited! Imagine being the first to know that the Messiah, the King of the Universe, the Saviour of the world was coming! Think of how you would have felt to know that your baby, would be the great I AM!!
Thirdly, I think Mary felt sad. As one story so aptly says, Jesus was born crucified. He was born with love and compassion in His eyes and the cross in His heart. I would think that Mary probably prayed many times that Her son would not have to be crucified. While she was happy that the Saviour was coming, I'm sure she wished that man could be saved by another way besides her Son's death.
Fourthly, Imagine with me that night at the stable when Jesus was born. The awe and amazement that must have washed over Mary as she looked at her newborn Son, and knew that she was looking into the face of God. I can imagine being her and kissing my baby's cheek and thinking, "I just kissed the face of the Almighty!" Think of holding your child and knowing that you held the Messiah! I would have been on my knees before my Son, worshipping Him! I believe that Mary and Joseph were on their knees before the Christ-Child too!
There are so many more emotions and feelings that Mary must have felt, but for now I have given myself enough to chew on... enough food for thought... If you didn't get anything out of this, that's OK. This blog is really just a place for me to put my thoughts and feelings, so just consider this for me if you want! :)
Will be writing more soon!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm thankful for Jesus, and all that He has done for me. The fact that I can be clean and pure within is AMAZING! I am so thankful for this old-fashioned, Holiness way! Praise the Lord, for FREEDOM from sin! I am so thankful for the promises that He gives and the shelter and refuge that He is to His children! What an AWESOME God we serve!
I'm thankful for my family. I have been blessed with a truly remarkable family and I am so thankful for them. They uphold Christian standards, and have been faithful to show me the way to go. What a privilege to have been raised in a Godly home!
I'm thankful for my friends. From Indiana to North Carolina to right here in Sebring, I have the most amazing friends! They have been right there for me, and I just want them to know that I appreciate it!
There are so many more things that I could say, but instead I'll just close this post with this.
Thank-You, God, for EVERYTHING!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Free To Be A Slave
I was once:
Scared of what? Scared of meeting God, of death, of Hell, of going to sleep after I'd heard a serious message. Scared to think of what my eternity was going to be. Shaken by thought of crossing the deadline...
Scarred by the chains that the devil had bound me in. Scarred by the pain that I had suffered at the cruel hands of my master, Satan. Scarred by the blows sin had dealt to my weak and fainting soul.
III. (In the devil's plan I was) Shun to Hell
Satan had me where he wanted me, in total darkness with seemingly no way to escape the horrible pit of sin and degradation that he had me trapped in. I was his slave, a pawn in the enemies hand. But one day, the Bright and Morning Star shed His light upon my pathway and showed me the way of escape. Praise the Lord for His marvelous grace, to a wretched sinner such as me. One who was not worthy of anything but death and an eternity in the lake of fire, was visited by the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord's! I committed my life to the good shepherd and now I am:
IV. Hopeful
I have hope at last! When life gets tough and the battle rages fiercely, I just look up and remember that Jesus has promised me Victory, and at the end of this life, HEAVEN is waiting for me!! Praise the Lord for the hope we have in Him!! When I was in sin and life handed me it's lemons, I had no time of reprieve to look forward to, all that stared me in the face, as I looked out across time, was my payday: Hell.
Oh what a diffence Grace made in my life! Praise the Lord that I can now look at what lies at the end of my path with hope!
V. Healed
No longer is my heart scarred by the chains that had bound me, for I am FREE and Jesus, the Great Physician has healed my broken heart. He has taken the plague of sin that was ravaging my soul and made me whole. He took out my heart of stone and gave me a heart of flesh, so that He can "write" His words on it and it would be receptive of them. He used a crucifixion to self, to tear that old carnality out of my heart and make me like Him. What a Wonderful Saviour I serve!!!
VI. (I now have the) Hope of Heaven!!!
One of these days, I'll step on shore and find that it's Heaven, touch a hand and find it God's, breathe new air and find it celestial, wake up and find it HOME!!!! I'll be with my Precious Redeemer for all eternity!!! And on top of that, I will no longer have to fight the Devil for he will be banished to Hell, and I'll get to see all my loved ones and friends who have gone HOME before me! What a meeting that going to be!!!!
Sooo, did you figure out how I got my Title?? I was once enslaved in sin, a robot in the devil's hand. But now, I am FREE! Jesus calls me His daughter, but I feel so unworthy that I commit myself to Him to be a love slave. I am still a slave but not by force, as I was before Jesus saved me. No, Oh No, I am a slave by choice, because I love my Heavenly Father so much! Free To Be A Slave... What a JOY and PRIVILEGE to be a love slave of the Lord's!!! He is WORTHY of all my praise! Praise His name!
Monday, October 19, 2009

I have so much more to post but for tonight, let me just say a heartfelt Congrats, to my Best Friend and her Fiance! Bethany and Ryan, I am honored to know you both and I pray that God will give you pleasant times as you prepare for that special day when you become, Mr. & Mrs.! So happy for you guys!! Bethany, Thank-You for the privilege to be your bridesmaid! Can't wait to help you out with your Wedding Plans! I know your wedding will be beautiful... a reflection of the beautiful bride-to-be, YOU!!! Love ya, girl!!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Scripture Saturday!
Okay... On to bigger things. Today's Scripture Saturday Text is: Psalms 37:4
"Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."
Truly this is a wonderful Scripture! How incredible it is to allow the Lord to lead our lives, for when we do, we find that the Lord will give us the BEST. This Scripture has been misunderstood by some, and it has been said that as long as we're good then the Lord will give us exactly what we want, when we want it. This is a false doctrine. Let's take this verse one section at a time and see what it really says.
"Delight thyself also in the Lord;" This means that we must obey the Lord with a willing spirit, if we don't have a willing spirit, we aren't obeying any way... here's an example. You can tell a child to clean up there room, and they may do it. BUT, if that child in their heart is saying I don't want to, I shouldn't have to etc... and through their eyes you can tell that they are mad, then they are not fully obeying, even though they are doing the thing required of them. So it is in our spiritual lives. We may do what God asks but if we do it with an angry, unwilling heart, we are not fully obeying His will. When we do not COMPLETELY obey Him, we cannot have the benefits of His approval. When we do our part, then, and only then, will we reap the benefits.
"and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." This means that the Lord will give us His best. Whatever will be the most beneficial... Where it says that we will be given the desires of our hearts, is where I get so excited! When we are in complete obedience to Him, our desires then become what He wants. So even if situations don't always turn out like we thought they maybe would, it is NEVER a disappointment because, God's ways are always BEST and things always turn out BEST when God is in control! Isn't it amazing how God works in our lives and helps us to have a heart that has the same cry and desires as His?
So let's take time to thank the Lord for all He's done for us including all those things He does for us that seems so insignificant to others. (more on that next week)smile! Hope all this rambling of mine has made some sort of sense. I got all excited over this verse this week and I hope I've made some sort of sense... wink.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Give This Picture A Caption!!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Happy Fall Ya'll!
In my heart I want to praise Jesus,
For He has done so much for me,
Forever I thank and praise Jesus,
For twas' His blood that set me free!
Free from sins burden I carried so long,
Free from the guilt I had bore for my wrong,
Forever I'll thank and praise Jesus,
To Him ALL my praises belong!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
The Families that are still suffering today...
The Pain that struck each American heart eight years ago...
The feeling of fear and hopelessness...
The Terrorists with a feeling of pity, for they are now in eternity without God.
A day that will never be forgotten and the images that I seen are forever etched upon my memory. For this was the day that my Country, beautiful America, was attacked by terrorists. I remember the shock of hearing the news, I remember the fear that clutched my heart, even knowing that I was 1,000's of miles from where it happened. I remember the Christmas Parade that year that was all about military and Americanism.Our neighbors and family members went off to fight for our freedom that had been attacked. Yes, that day changed the world, at least for those here in the USA.
Today, I take this opportunity to say Thank-You to all of the men and women who have stood between me and the enemy and have preserved my freedom. You're in my prayers and I can NEVER tell you how much your sacrifice means to me!
I also, want to say a huge Thank-You to our former President, George W. Bush. Thank-You Sir, for doing what you felt what was right to keep our Country safe! While many people did not like our former President, and although I do not agree with everything, I must say that he did a great job keeping our homeland safe. Also, I respect him for referring to Our Heavenly Father, many times throughout his presidency.
And last but certainly not least, Thank-You,God for allowing me to be born in this great Nation! Thank-You for allowing me to have these freedoms! Thank-You for giving me the Ultimate Freedom!Thank-You, Lord Jesus, for EVERYTHING!!! May Your Name be lifted high and exalted, for You ALONE art WORTHY of ALL OF MY PRAISE!!!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
My life...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
For Justin
Love You Justin!
Our Loss...Heaven's Gain

Dear Justin,
Happy Birthday, my sweet little cousin! Today you are spending your Tenth Birthday with the King of Kings. August 19, 1999, you were born, yet that same day you were held in the arms of the One who made you. Your Daddy and Mommy waited a long time to have you... but you were well worth the wait! I was seven at the time and you were my first cousin on both sides of the family and I was SO excited to finally have someone to help me take all the spoiling! I remember that your Mommy was very sick before you were born, but she never complained, she was just so happy that you were coming! We planned and decorated and dreamed big dreams, while anxiously awaiting your arrival, but Jesus had even greater plans for you! I'll never forget sitting in that waiting room at the hospital with family and your Aunt Penny showed me a picture hanging on the wall... It was a picture of Jesus holding a baby, and she said that picture was like you were now, safe in the arms of Jesus. My mind goes back and I can still hear the crying and sense the deep sorrow that was present that day. I recall that it was raining when you were born, and it rained for most of that day. It seemed as though all of Heaven was crying with us... I had dreamed of holding you close, of whispering... I Love You, of touching your tiny face and brushing back your hair, I had dreamed of watching you grow and develop, but I never got to do any of those things. I never got to see you or hold you or say that I loved you. But, Justin, one of these days all the dreams I have had will become reality and I'll be able to do all of these things, when I see you in Heaven and then we'll be together... forever... at home! I have tried to imagine what you look like, those that seen you say that you looked like your Daddy, but you looked some like Mommy too. You were small, just one pound 11 ounces 11 and 1/2 inches long with tiny, tiny feet that I have seen the imprint of, but you left a HUGE impact on our lives and a HUGE hole in our hearts. Time helps, but it doesn't heal, often there are tears at the mention of your name, but keep waiting by the Eastern Gate, sweet Justin, cause' the pain has helped me to get a clearer vision of the city and I'll never take my eyes from it, I promise, I'll be home in the morning! Oh and Justin, I Love You!
Love Forever and Always,
Happy Belated 8th Birthday Lukey!
On August 17th,2001, our family was blessed with a 5lb.5oz. Baby Boy named, Luke Daniel! From the time he was just a baby he has always had a bubbly personality, "too cute for his own good" looks, and an infectious smile! Most importantly though, he has always been sensitive to the Lord! Lukey, Hope you had a very happy 8th Birthday!! You are very special and I love you very much!! Jesus, has BIG plans for you just keep listening to Him, K?
p.s. Sassy says,"Hope you had a Pawsitively wonderful birthday, Luke!"
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Among The Living!
This is Ryan and Bethany!!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
~God's in His Heaven all's right with the world~
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
It's That Time Again...
1. I had a safe flight.
2. I have been enjoying my trip alot!
3. I have laughed so much!
4. Learned how to play a new game called Taboo, SO FUN!!!!!!
5. I have met some new people.
6. Spent time with my truly incredible friend, Bethany!! It's been great!!
And a whole lot of other things as well has factored into making my week wonderful!
I have had a blast here, but I am ready to come home and see all of my wonderful family!! I can't wait to see my Mom and Pop at the airport!!!!! (If Dad can come... if not I'll see him later that night of course~) Love you all so much!!!
Have a great day my friends!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Hello From the North!
Sunday morning the Lord's presence was so near that it felt like you could reach out and touch Him. It was so incredible!!
I am preparing a Wonderful World Wednesday post for tomorrow and will fill you in on a bit more of what I have been up to on there so keep your eye on the blog... grin... after I get home I will have pics and all that good stuff! For now I gotta run... have a great day!!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thursday~ I got to prepare myself more for my first year of teaching. I'm really starting to get excited about this!
Friday~ Had Mam-ma, Aunt Kathy, and Aunt Charlotte over for "Christmas in July Christmas list swap" and Emily, Jenny, and Kayla had a great time celebrating Sassy's first Birthday with her.
Saturday~ The Lord helped me to withstand a battle and come through with overcoming victory! Praise the Lord!!
Sunday~ I was able to go to church and be in the presence of the Most High! Amazing sermons!
Monday~ Made some good progress toward my trip to Bethany's!!! YAY!! Which by the way is only a mere 3 days away now! The Lord gave extra special help that day too! Thank-You Jesus!
Tuesday~ The Lord kept His hand of protection upon my dad and I as we went to Orlando to a dentist appointment for Pop. I really appreciate the Lord's help cause' I don't care much for driving in lots of traffic, but I drove up and back with no problems. I am thankful!!
Today~ I have had a good morning! Talked to some of my family and am now looking forward to church tonight!
Have a great day my friends!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Time To Celebrate!
Now on to bigger and better things! Like packing!! snicker, you thought I was going to get off that kick didn't ya! suckers!!! alright already I'll talk about something else.
Whatcha think of my new tunes? I LOVE the songs! Some of them I had never heard before, but they are super duper!
Whatcha think of my new background? Looks summery don't ya think? Yeah, I knew you would! snicker snicker...
Okay I'm all done rambling, until tomorrow folks.... Have a GREAT day and remember:
Anything worth having is worth waiting for~
Just another one of my favorite quotes! Happy Monday y'all!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hello friends! Welcome to another Wonderful World Wednesday! I hope you all are doing good and enjoying the wonderful blessings in your life!
My week has been Wonderful because:
1. Thursday I got to Scrapbook with Aunt Kathy!
2. Friday evening I went shopping with my Mom!! Thanks Mom, it was SOOOO fun!
3. Saturday I got to go to our prayer meeting and that was awesome!!
4. Sunday I heard two wonderful messages! Thank the Lord for His truth!
5. Monday, Jesus helped me through some rough places. Thank You, Lord, for the little blessings of life!
6. Tuesday, I was kinda struggling with some things, and the Lord helped me through a poem!
7. Today I was able to be with my Dad some and do some very interesting things!
8. Something happened today that makes me realize that God was looking out for me weeks ago! What an INCREDIBLE God we serve!
9. I get to go to church tonight and worship Jesus!
These are a few of the many blessings that have made my life Wonderful this past week! Have a great evening everyone!!
Oh and I am just curious, Are you all ready for me to change my background?!?!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Still Here!
"Take hold of each minute as if it were your last, and utilize every second in prayer, meditation, and service. Let your life become a continuous sacrifice to God." Swami Sivananda
Also, Jeff, Grace, and Nathan will be traveling today and tomorrow, so if you think of it, say a prayer for them. I know they will appreciate it.
Until tomorrow, take care my friends and keep the faith!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's time for another "Wonderful World Wednesday Post" already! Where are these weeks going? Time sure has flown by this Summer.
Monday, July 13, 2009
What Will You Do With Jesus?
14 Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD.
15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
16 And the people answered and said, God forbid that we should forsake the LORD, to serve other gods;
17 For the LORD our God, he it is that brought us up and our fathers out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage, and which did those great signs in our sight, and preserved us in all the way wherein we went, and among all the people through whom we passed:
18 And the LORD drave out from before us all the people, even the Amorites which dwelt in the land: therefore will we also serve the LORD; for he is our God.
The Text was verse fifteen.
I gave my Mom my pen on the way to church last night and forgot to get it back, so I wasn't able to take notes like I normally do, but I wanted to share with you the main part of the message.
First of all, Nathan drew a comparison between the two Masters. The Devil and the Lord.
He talked about who the Devil is and how he works to destroy peoples lives. Then, he spoke of who Jesus is and what He has done for us, and how He leads and directs the lives of those who will trust Him.
Secondly, Nathan drew a comparison between the two Destinies. Heaven or Hell. Ahh, Heaven with all its splendor and majesty. Gates of Pearl and streets of gold, a sea of crystal, and so many more things that the Lord has prepared for His children. These things are wonderful but to be able to see our Saviour face to face, will be the Ultimate Reward.
Hell. The very word should send shivers up our spines. A place of torment, a lake of fire that those who reject Christ will never escape from. A place where all the chances that people have had to repent, will torment them even more, than the horror that they will already be experiencing. What a horrible reward for those who refuse the blessed Son of God.
Nathan then told about people who had chosen God, like Joshua and Darius, and those who had chosen Satan, like Pilate.
There were a few things that Nathan said that really stood out to me. One of them was, Hell is paved with good intentions. How many people will miss Heaven because they planned on taking care of Spiritual things tomorrow, or when they are older. The other was, The Devil is powerful enough to tempt you, but he is not powerful enough to make you go against your will, nor is he anywhere near more powerful than God. Isn't it wonderful that with Jesus as your Captain you can stand and defeat the enemy!?!
The Lord helped Nathan to bring every person to a crossroad. At that crossroads they had to answer the question, What will I Do With Jesus ?
An amazing sermon, to which I did not do justice. Nathan, you did an incredible job! The Lord has great things in store for you!
Happy 40th Anniversary!
You're the Best!! May the Lord give you MANY more years together!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Happy Thursday!
Nathan will be preaching for us on Sunday night as well! I think that is pretty cool! Notes and comments from the message you will find on Monday, only at Chocolate Contemplations, so be sure to tune in!! Hope you have a great day! Keep smiling! And remember:
~God's in His Heaven, All's right with the world~
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
It's A Wonderful World!

Hello to all my friends out there! Hope you all are having a wonderful morning filled with all the things you love best! So, I have been a bit neglectant, with these It's A Wonderful World Wednesday posts... but they are back!
The Lord has been so good to me and I must praise Him! That is the main reason why I started this, but another reason is that so many people only dwell on the dark and dismal side of life and never stop to "smell the roses" instead they complain about the thorns. I, as a Christian, feel like I must stand up and thank Jesus for all the GOOD things in my life! I want to live so that people will say she was thankful for the thorns because they made the roses much more beautiful! I have a long way to go, I know. However, doing these posts make me stop and really count my blessings. So sit back and take a look at this very blessed life of mine.
My World has been Wonderful this week because:
1.I got to be with my Mum and Poppy for three and a half days this past weekend!
2.Last Friday, the Lord answered a very urgent prayer request on behalf of my family!
3.On Friday I was able to find two pairs of shoes on a good sale.(A blessing because my shoe size isn't always easy to find.)
4.Saturday I got to spend a beautiful holiday with my family and got to watch fireworks with some very special friends!
5.Sunday I was able to hear two wonderful messages! Sunday morning's message was about being freeborn. AWESOME!! Sunday night's message was about the new philosophies of "Christianity" and the true way of Holiness. It was INCREDIBLE
6.Monday the Lord helped me figure out what to do about a situation. Thank you, Jesus!
7.Tuesday I got some Ben & Jerry's half baked cookie doe and fudge icecream as a treat! I also got homemade banana muffins! YUMMY!! (thanks Aunt Kathy!)
8.This morning I have had time with my Mom and Sassy, I'm breathing and am very happy in my heart! Thank You, Jesus, for a beautiful morning!
These are just a few reaons why I feel so blessed! Hope you have a wonderful day and an excellent service tonight! May God Bless You ALL!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
A Child's Song
In verse two, I Love Thee, Lord Jesus... Those words should be continually said from our hearts. If we truly understand how despicable we really are and how Majestic He is, surely our hearts will swell with love for our Redeemer! We are unworthy creatures. He is Worthy of All of our love and adoration!
Verse three, A heartfelt prayer that we should echo... Be near me Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay, close by me forever... Isn't that what you want? I do! With all my heart I can say I want the Lord to be near me forever! It is precious to be able to commune with Jesus! Those times that He settles down so close and you know that you are in the presence of the God of the Universe, are just amazing! Thank You, Lord, for giving me the best gift, the gift of Freedom from ALL sin and uncleanness! I Love You, Jesus!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Merry Christmas In July!!!
For my little cousins, the song Gift of Friendship, is for you! Always remember that no matter how long you have to wait for a friend, they are ALWAYS worth waiting for! True friendship is the most beautiful blessing that God sends us! I Love You, and want you to always go to the Best Friend, Jesus, to talk!
Happy Birthday To...
Also, a very Happy Birthday to Brother Green and a very Happy Seventeenth Birthday to Priscilla Blowers!
Hope you all had a pleasant Fourth of July with your loved ones! I spent my day traveling back home, going to a birthday party and watching fireworks! FUN FUN!!!! I have to work tonight but then I am off the rest of this week until Friday, so I will try to do some entertaining blogging! For now, have a great Monday and keep smiling, it will make people wonder what you're up to! smile!!
Oh, by the way! What do you think of my blog's facelift?
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Our freedom was challenged on 9/11. We will never forget that tragic day in the history of our land, but we must not forget what would have/ would happen if we had/ were still not taken action. Terrorists would have done/ would do so much more damage to our Nation and its people, but men and women stepped between us and the enemy and are doing an incredible job of protecting our liberties. Yes, there has been bloodshed. Yes, innocent civilians have been killed. Yes, sons and daughters, dads and moms, brothers and sisters, have been ripped away from the arms of those that loved them by the cruel hands of death. However, if there had not been these things, we would have lost SO much more! So many more people would have died from other attacks, and what if the terrorists would have come and began taking over our Country? What then? We would be living in fear just as the people over in Iraq. Is that what we want? Or is it just our selfishness that makes us want everything to be peaceful, but yet we don't want to pay the price for peace and freedom? Something to think about...
Truly I am thankful for the Freedom that America still offers! I LOVE my Country and only want what is best for her! I deeply appreciate the ones that have stood between me and the enemy.
However, I am more thankful to the Great Commander, for taking bold action and standing between me and the enemy of my soul, and declared war on him. The Lord paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Thank you, Jesus, for devising a plan to rescue me from the "terrorist" who had set up snares to forever damn my soul!
The Lord provided a plan of escape for us and all He asks in return is our lives, worthless as it is... So many people think that the price is too high to pay, yet they want the benefits of having freedom in Christ. The price that we are asked to pay, is NOTHING in light of what Jesus did for us. Honestly, we shouldn't even consider our lives a price to pay, we should willingly give our worthless selves as a love slave of the Master! Lord, help us to see the "price" as a privilege rather than a sacrifice!! For truly walking with the King of Kings outweighs any trial that we have to face one hundred million to one.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I pledge Allegiance
Allegiance. What does allegiance mean? It means, devotion; loyalty. So when we say that we pledge allegiance to the United States of America, we are saying that we are pledging our undying devotion to America. Many people say the Pledge of Allegiance, but far too few really mean the words. By pledging our loyalty to our Country, do we have to accept everything that it does? No. What we are to uphold is the foundation upon which our Country was based. What was America based on? The Bible. Mostly everyone followed Scriptural Principles, when America was young. That is the reason why America was prosperous and was a strong rock to the world. As time has passed on the standards have been lowered, and thus our "power" has been reduced. Who is to blame for this lowering of the standards? The Church. If the church had continued to take a stand and hold the Biblical standards of Holiness high, then the products of those churches, which would have been our leaders, would've continued to be strong soldiers for God. But what has been done cannot be changed. However, we CAN change what the future will hold! How do we achieve this? By wholeheartedly, pledging our allegiance to the basis of what our Country was to be. We must band together and pray for America, and LOVE our Country enough to take a stand against the wickedness, that is everywhere in our land! If we do not stand up for the United States, someone else will, and will introduce their doctrine into our society and we will have lost a very precious thing that we have on this earth: Our America. The land of the FREE and the home of the brave.
Now the years have come and the years have gone
And the cause of Jesus still goes on
Now the time has come to count the cost
To reject this world, to embrace the cross
And one by one let us live our lives for
the One who died to give us life
til' the trumpet sounds on that final day
Let us proudly stand and boldly say:
I pledge Allegiance to the Lamb
with all my strength with all I am
I will seek to honor His command
I pledge Allegiance to the Lamb!
To the Lamb of God who bore my pain
who took my place, who bore my shame
I will seek to honor His command
I pledge Allegiance to the Lamb
This song is: I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb, by Rick Boltz
I think this song pretty much says everything that needs to be said about our devotion to God.
We must yield everything to Him, and stand tall for the cause of Christ! Let us live our lives so that Calvary's love can be seen in us! We have a message to give to the Nation(s) and God has given us the voice to speak up and out for Him! It is our wonderful yet great responsibility to use that voice to gather in many of His lost sheep. So today, let us Pledge our Allegiance to the Lamb of God!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Happy Fourth Of July Week!
Well, it's the first day of my Fourth of July week, and I am SO excited about it! I absolutely love my Country and throughout this week I want to share with you my thoughts on this beautiful land, My America!! Today, I am going to give you a tip about what I am going to talk about tomorrow. grin!
I pledge Allegiance to the Flag...
I pledge Allegiance to the Christian Flag...
I pledge Allegiance to the Bible...
I pledge Allegiance to the Lamb...
What's going to be the topic for tomorrow?? Comment away and tell me!
I have some questions to be answered this week as well, including, where did America get their strength from? Where did America go wrong? What will it take for America to be truly beautiful again? Lots of stuff coming up this week, only at Chocolate Contemplations! Be sure to tune in!!
Happy Monday All!!!!!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Always The Same! Hallelujah!
Happy wishes your way in hope that you a wonderful day!!! Happy Friday, my friends! Hope you all have a very pleasant weekend, surrounded by those you love! As for me its off to work at 5 and then off to work tomorrow night at 4. My dad is coming home this evening! Yippee!! Anyways, besides that nothing really spectacular in going on but I am working on a post about America for next week... I wonder why??? In fact I am planning to do a America Week! If any of you have some Americana pictures or places in America that you think is awesome and would like to email them to me, I'll be happy to use them next week... If not then you can enjoy looking at mine! I will warn you though, there are certain symbols and topics about America that can really get me worked up. SO prepare yourselves! grin!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Seventeen and over the hill...
Friday, June 19, 2009
I must admit, that I am a tad nervous about flying by myself. I have flown before and LOVE it,but never have I flown alone. I also, have never been away from my family for a whole week. I took all these things into consideration before I purchased my ticket, but the pros outweighed the cons! I have placed my fears about flying alone in the very capable hands of Jesus, and now I am just totally stoked at the thought of my vacation! For I really won't be alone I'll the Creator of the world at my side the whole time I am gone. Just the thought of that calmed my fears and now they are practically nonexistent. Thank you Lord, for being with me all the time!
So in just a little over 40 days I'll be enjoying my time with Bethany, Rachel, Abby, and Brother and Sister Covert! Yippee!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I Know... I Know!
And Remember~
God's in His heaven, All's right with the world!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
In Loving Memory
The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell;
It goes beyond the highest star,
And reaches to the lowest hell;
The guilty pair, bowed down with care,
God gave His Son to win;
His erring child He reconciled,
And pardoned from his sin.
Oh, love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure—The saints’ and angels’ song.
When hoary time shall pass away,
And earthly thrones and kingdoms fall,
When men who here refuse to pray,
On rocks and hills and mountains call,
God’s love so sure, shall still endure,
All measureless and strong;
Redeeming grace to Adam’s race—
The saints’ and angels’ song.
Could we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade;
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry;
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.
A beautiful song for sure!!! Sister Denery, you are missed and loved! We are all looking forward to seeing you again in Heaven! Keep watching the Pearly Gates, cause' we'll be there in the morning!
My Jewels...

I guess I'll start with the one I've known the longest and that would be Kristen. Whenever I think of Kristen, I am overcome by a tidal wave of memories. From some very interesting children services in Florala, (including making woolly lambies at the age of 13/14) and getting suckers for good behaviour? To jungle fruit scented cleaning supplies, to the countless hours of conversation both when we are together and by phone. We've talked about everything... Kristen has taught me to be the person that God made me to be and not to change because of what other people think. She has increased my self confidence and has helped me to take a step out of my comfort zone. So Thank You, Kristen for being such an awesome friend! Truly you're the best! I thank God for the gift of your friendship!
Next would be Nathan. I got to know Nathan the end of 2004, but really became good friends with him in 2005 when they moved down from PA. Nathan started attending our church school in the fall of '05 and that was only the beginning of our friendship and I can't believe how much has happened. Nathan has become a very close friend to me and I am so thankful that God brought them here. Nathan and I have done alot of memorable things... I.E. coloring Elmo pages for our Spanish party decorations, spending some serious time bonding with caramel, (the school's horse) chuckle chuckle... having way too much fun in Math class with falling spelling word charts,playing Othello and finding the infamous pieces that have a yellow highlighter mark on them, pulling our teachers backwards down the church's sloping driveway on rolling chairs, and so on the list goes. But we've also spent alot of time talking about what we've just found in our devotions, how the Lord has showed us some areas to move up in, talking about Nathan's latest sermon topic, comparing sermon notes from the messages Pap-pa or an evangelist preached, and other things like this. Nathan has taught me that if you rely upon God, you won't be shaken by the troubles of life, he has helped me to see the love that God has for His children in an even deeper sense by pointing out the little blessings that we often take for granted, such as a bird singing in the tree. Thank You, Nathan, for being my friend! You are the best! I thank Jesus, for the gift of your friendship!
And last but certainly not least is Bethany. Oh man, where do I even begin... Bethany have seen each other twice in the past 2 and a half years that we've known each other, but with our lengthy phone calls you could say we've known each other all our lives. smile! Bethany and I have talked about basically everything, from politics to shopping, to food, to the returning of our blessed Saviour. We've solved the world's problems many a time and we always end that conversation the same way. One of us will Say and the other will agree, "If everybody just followed the Lord, everything would be much better!" One thing Bethany and I have is extreme confidence in each other! We decided last year that we would make an excellent President and Vice President! Then we decided that we'd let Sarah Palin be President and Bethany would be Vice and I would be their not so humble advisor. We didn't think that Bethany's boyfriend, Ryan, would be into her being gone though lol! I will never forget how much we laughed during that phone call. We had a blast! Of course, we always do though! Bethany and I are like sisters and I know that I can call her at anytime about any situation and she will pray about it and will help me to see the situation clearly again. Bethany has taught me that life is about loving the Lord, holding onto the people that matter and letting the rest of the world and all their nitpicking go. Thank You, Bethany, for being my friend! You are the best, for sure! I thank the Lord for bringing you into my life just when I needed you!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
It's A Wonderful World!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Ladies and Gentlemen...
Besides working I will be getting ready to go back to school. Yes, you heard me right! BUT, I will be trading in my pencils for an ink pen, my student chair for a "important" snicker! blue one, my questions for the title of receiver of questions, and my "stress over test" syndrome for the "stress for everyone else over their test" syndrome. grin! Soooo, I am leaving it up to you to tell me what I will be doing come August 31, 2009. Comment Away!
I am also supposed to be an "Authoress" this summer. I have promised some little ones a written copy of my "Frank and George" Series. I have told them these stories from when they were just little and they all enjoy hearing them, but recently I have had some requests for something that they can read. Soooo, I will be typing away on the computer for a while I'm sure! I enjoy writing stories, forget just stories I just LOVE to write! From poetry to allegorical tales I love it all! If you all have any ideas about what Frank and George should look like, PLEASE either comment, email, or call me and let me know!! I would also like to know if any of you write stories, poetry, inspirational reading material or anything else like that. If you do contact me! I would love to talk with you about this!
Well, I must go for now my friends! I will be checking to see the great amounts of comments I should get on this post! smile! And with that I bid you a fantastic day!
Friday, May 29, 2009

Bethany and Kristen, you are awesome! You've been right there with through many things since I met you two. From jungle fruit to solving the worlds problems to talking and laughing for more hours than should be allowed, we've had a great time! I am SO proud of you and feel so blessed to call you my friends!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Senior Pictures!
I want to take this time to say a HUGE Thank you to Aunt Kathy, for spending SO MUCH time and effort taking these pictures! I know it was a big job, but I appreciate the hours you spent with me taking these! They turned out to be INCREDIBLE!!! Thank you a thousand times! You're the best!
Without further adieu, Ladies and Gents, I, Holly J. Ogg, Class of 2009, do hereby present my.....