
God's promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine. ~David Nicholas

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Burning Love

That's the title of Pap-pa's message tonight. Taken from Song of Solomon chapter eight verses five through seven.

5.Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? I raised thee up under the apple tree: there thy mother brought thee forth: there she brought thee forth that bare thee.

6.Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.

7.Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.

A burning, ardent love for God. I don't even know where to start, I have so many thoughts swirling around in my head.

A relationship between two people, that are in love is beautiful. It's warm it's caring, it's a give-and-take relationship, it's communication, it's a perfect picture of loyalty, trust, and strength (the greatest strength is found in leaning on each other).

You say that this doesn't really relate to this Scripture and you're right. But let's relate this relationship to what our relationship with God should be.

The relationship between God and man is the most beautiful thing ever! It goes both ways. God loved us unconditionally and we are to love Him the same way. If we love God, not just a general, lack-luster love, but a BURNING, ARDENT love, then we will receive His blessing and love in return. We should care for God, just as He cares for us. You know how you do special things for that person you love? Same thing applies here. He gives us so many special blessings and benefits, shouldn't we do the same thing for Him? Shouldn't we praise Him, and honor Him, and glorify Him in everything we do? Shouldn't we let the world know that HE is supreme in our hearts, our number 1? Yes, we should and we will if we have this BURNING LOVE. The more that we give to God the more He gives to us, and His "gifts" always outweigh our feeble offerings a million + to one. Communication is key in a relationship. The more that we love someone the more we want to talk to them and communicate with them. It's the same thing with God. The more love BURNS in me for HIM, the more I want to talk to HIM, want to be with Him,want to know HIM, want to please HIM. BURNING and ARDENT love for God will be reciprocated, and that relationship is the most perfect picture of loyalty, trust, and strength. Loyalty to Him, because He loves me so much and gave His ALL for me. How can I not be loyal and true to my Precious Redeemer? In return, He is faithful to me and never leaves alone. He always keeps His word and brings me through each trial with victory. Trust in Him, because He has NEVER let me down! Trust in Him, because He cares and always fulfills His promises. He trusts me to be faithful and to lean on Him for guidance and deliverance. How can I possibly let Him down? Strength. True strength and courage is only found when I lean on God for EVERYTHING. Leaning on Him, because He's already walked ahead of me and knows what I'm going to face. He has all the grace needed, all the sustaining power in store for me. Nothing is going to take Him off guard, He knows it ALL! Why wouldn't I trust the ONE who planned my whole life,knows what's going to happen, and knows me better than anyone else? BURNING LOVE will make me be loyal, trusting, and forever leaning on HIM, because I know He is worthy and because I love Him and want to please Him.

This message stirred my heart to love God more and let Him KNOW more and more how much He means to me and how much I love Him. He is Worthy to be loved and adored!
We don't have any trouble loving that special someone, or our family and friends, why then do people struggle to love God. Is it because we don't realize how unworthy yet priviledged we are to have HIM?

Jesus, help me to NEVER forget just how unworthy I am and how much I need YOU! Without Your love, I wouldn't be here. I would be, deservingly, in Hell. But YOU, looking across time saw a filthy, wretched girl who would be born in 1992, named Holly, and You thought she was important enough to leave Heaven, all of Your Glory, Your Praise, all of the comforts You had and come to earth. And for what? To die. To die, a horrible, painful death. You did that for me. You looked and saw me, and said that I was worth dying for. You loved me, when I didn't love you. You kept calling me even when I turned You away. Jesus, how can I not love You with a Burning love when I think of all that You've done for me? I love Thee, Lord Jesus, with all of my heart! Thank-You, for coming to earth for me. Thank-You, for dying to save me. Thank-You for Your Divine love that loved me so much when I was so unlovable. Thank-You, Precious Jesus! Lord, Help me to be always be awed by Thy love that way I will always love Thee with the Burning love that You desire. I want to live my life to please You in ALL that I do! I love You, Lord!

"I Love Thee, Lord Jesus, with all of my heart,
I Love Thee, Lord Jesus, with all of my heart,
For dying on Calvary, for giving me victory,
I Love Thee, Lord Jesus, with all of my heart!"

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I loved this message! Oh Jesus, help me love you more!
    You make me proud Sweetie, just continue to love Jesus, He has all your life planned for you! I love you bunches!
