
God's promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine. ~David Nicholas

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Good Things Come From Above

But the only way to see them is by lifting up my eyes! The Lord spoke to me so clearly on Sunday and told me this. Lift up your eyes, Holly, there are good things coming, but you can't see them if your always looking at the ground! You can't see the mountain top (victory) if your looking at the valley (trial). So, I will life up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help! Feeling happy in Jesus this week! No matter the trial or the test, if I keep my focus upward, on HIM, I will see victory ahead... HEAVEN! If that's not enough to keep me going, I don't know what is! :) I have peace. Peace in the midst of trouble, there is peace in the midst of the storm. Peace because of God's presence! I can be in the middle of a roaring sea and still have peace! Praise the Lord for His peace! Peace which passeth all understanding... why does it pass all understanding? Because, normally there would not be peace in the middle of a bad storm at sea. There would be anxiety, fear, and confusion. But with Jesus as my Captain, I have peace. So thankful for my Heavenly Father, today and all that He's done for me! I love You, precious Jesus, with all of my heart!

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