
God's promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine. ~David Nicholas

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Happy bloggerversary to my blog! Hard to believe it's been a whole year since I started this. I must say that I have enjoyed a whole lot though! It's been a nice place to jot down my thoughts and record special events! Hope you all have a wonderful day in the Lord!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Give This Picture A Caption!!!

Isn't she ADORABLE??? Tell me what you think she is saying! Contest ends Wednesday night at 10:30 p.m. Winner will be announced Thursday! Have fun!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy Fall Ya'll!

Yeppers, it's that time of year again, the leaves are falling, the breeze is getting cooler here in beautiful Florida, and the clouds are becoming more distant in the sky( a sure sign that autumn and winter are just a mere whisper away YAY!!) Anyway, I LOVE Fall and Winter! The temperatures are gorgeous, the autumnal colors provide a warm and cozy feeling to the outside and the home, and then in winter I enjoy "bundling" up in sweaters, scarves ( very cute light weight ones of course... :) ) and braving the "cold" weather that puts the pink back in your cheeks! What do you all love most about this time of year including the holidays?!?! My favorite thing about this time of year, besides what I've already mentioned, is the time that is spent with family and friends!! That is actually tops on my list, but #1 on my list is this: I LOVE Autumn because it brings about and air of thanksgiving to our Gracious, Heavenly Father, and I LOVE Winter because we celebrate the GIFT of Christmas, my Saviour! I serve an Amazing God who truly is WORTHY of ALL my praise! I am so thrilled with Jesus! It's such a privilege to be a Christian! To think that the Creator of the world, came to earth as a baby, died a horrible death, then rose again to conquer sin, hell, and the grave for ME and for YOU, is so amazing! What a Precious Lord I serve!!! I often think of the song, "Love so amazing, so divine, demands my life, my love, my ALL!" Truly, Jesus deserves nothing less than everything that I have! He gave ALL for me, so I will GLADLY lay my life down at His feet. I am nothing, I have nothing worthy enough to give the King of Kings, yet He adopted me as His daughter and now I have access to the throne of the Lamb! I can go before Him boldly and He hears my petitions!! Is it any wonder I LOVE Him? I am thinking about the chorus we sang on Sunday Night, "In my heart I want to praise Jesus." It is amazing and it captures my hearts desire perfectly! I hope and pray that it swells your heart with adoration to the King just as it has mine! May God Bless You All, my Friends! Revel in the wonderful things of God throughout this week!!

In my heart I want to praise Jesus,
For He has done so much for me,
Forever I thank and praise Jesus,
For twas' His blood that set me free!
Free from sins burden I carried so long,
Free from the guilt I had bore for my wrong,
Forever I'll thank and praise Jesus,
To Him ALL my praises belong!!

Friday, September 11, 2009


The Heroes that died...
The Families that are still suffering today...
The Pain that struck each American heart eight years ago...
The feeling of fear and hopelessness...
The Terrorists with a feeling of pity, for they are now in eternity without God.


A day that will never be forgotten and the images that I seen are forever etched upon my memory. For this was the day that my Country, beautiful America, was attacked by terrorists. I remember the shock of hearing the news, I remember the fear that clutched my heart, even knowing that I was 1,000's of miles from where it happened. I remember the Christmas Parade that year that was all about military and Americanism.Our neighbors and family members went off to fight for our freedom that had been attacked. Yes, that day changed the world, at least for those here in the USA.

Today, I take this opportunity to say Thank-You to all of the men and women who have stood between me and the enemy and have preserved my freedom. You're in my prayers and I can NEVER tell you how much your sacrifice means to me!

I also, want to say a huge Thank-You to our former President, George W. Bush. Thank-You Sir, for doing what you felt what was right to keep our Country safe! While many people did not like our former President, and although I do not agree with everything, I must say that he did a great job keeping our homeland safe. Also, I respect him for referring to Our Heavenly Father, many times throughout his presidency.

And last but certainly not least, Thank-You,God for allowing me to be born in this great Nation! Thank-You for allowing me to have these freedoms! Thank-You for giving me the Ultimate Freedom!Thank-You, Lord Jesus, for EVERYTHING!!! May Your Name be lifted high and exalted, for You ALONE art WORTHY of ALL OF MY PRAISE!!!!