
God's promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine. ~David Nicholas

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Hello, my friends! I know I've been off of here for a while! Sorry! It's been so busy! May has flown by and I cannot believe that we are almost half way through this year.

This past month has been one of growing in the Lord. He has taught me many, many things, but the most dominant one has been faith. Faith in God sounds fairly simple. I have always believed in God... believed that He could do the impossible... but God has been showing me that true faith, is so much more than that.

Faith is an expectant waiting for God to the impossible. It is anxiously waiting for, with a heart knowledge that it is going to happen, your miracle, your answer to prayer, your need to be met. Faith takes action. To have faith you must pray and talk to your Heavenly Father! He is the only one who can help you believe the way you should. You must put that faith in action by standing on and claiming that God is going to do what He said, no matter how impossible it looks. It is KNOWING that God is going to answer prayer and proclaiming that not only in your heart but verbally. It is planning for the situation, circumstance, etc... as if the answer to prayer has already happened. Faith is taking our hands completely off of the situation/ our life, and saying "Lord, this is COMPLETELY in Your hands! I CANNOT do this. I CANNOT work this out. ONLY YOU, can do this... ONLY YOU can work a miracle... ONLY YOU, can answer these prayers!" That is faith in action. That is TRUE Faith.

Having true faith doesn't mean that you're not going to have doubts sometimes. The Devil will work overtime to make you feel doubtful, like the situation is hopeless and that we are going to look like a fool for saying that God is going to do something so "impossible". That is not wrong, for the Devil will always try us... where it becomes wrong, is when we listen to him instead of rebuking the Devil and proclaiming once again with SURETY and CONFIDENCE that God IS going to answer prayer, that He IS going to do the impossible, and that He WILL fulfill His promises.

God will bolster our Faith and will give blessings to us if we continue to ask Him for His help and if we continue to TRULY believe that He IS going to do exactly what He said He would do. Faith is abandoning our feeble attempts to "make it work" and giving it ALL to God, and allowing Him to not just "make it work" but to "make it perfect"!

Just a few lessons I've been learning... Hope this helps someone as much as it's helped me!

Have a wonderful Tuesday, my friends!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

A very Happy Mother's Day to my Beautiful Mum! Thank-You, for always being a consistent Christian example to me! Thank-You, for always loving me, supporting me, and showing me that God's in control! Thank-You, for believing in me when no one else does! Thank-You, for taking care of me, our home, and doing all the little things you do! They don't go unnoticed! Thank-You, for being my best friend... my confidant... my safe place... my shoulder to cry on... the arms of comfort and love. Thank-You, for being there especially through these last few months. Thank-You, for letting me grieve... but thank-you, especially for always pointing out the fact that I have to trust God! Thank-You, for praying for me and lifting me up to God! Thank-You, for just being you... You're so so so special and there is no one else in the world that could ever take your place in my heart! I love you, Mom, with all my heart! I'm so thankful God gave me you, to be my Momma! You're the best one in the whole world!

Love Now and Always,
Your Daughter