
God's promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine. ~David Nicholas

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Catching Up...

Hello, my friends! I have been incredibly lax in my blogging in recent months! I am going to try desperately to do better, for I have missed it (and all of you of course.)

Last year was very busy and brought a lot of change. This year promises to be the same! :) It's already been a VERY busy month!

I'm still working at Bank of America as a part-time teller. I love the people I work with! They are awesome, and I love the work! I am almost 20 years old... enough said. (I am NOT looking forward to this birthday at all... just saying lol) My "adopted" brother and my "adopted" sis-in-law, are going to make me an "aunt" again, in April! :) My little "Nephew", Jaren, is almost 3 and there will be a little girl making a grand entrance a week or so before his birthday! I am just a little(ok a lot) excited! My littlest cousin, Hannah Joy(yes, she was named after me) will be turning one in a little over a week! That just blows my mind!! She's crawling, jabbering alot, says, Pap-pa, Mam-ma, Mum-Mum, Da-Da, Bubba (for her brother), duck, baby, tree, ball, Ba-Ba (bottle), hi, bye-bye, good, num-num(yum-yum), uh-oh, etc. tooooooo cute! She is really starting to take a lot of steps so we're thinking she'll be walking by her birthday! She's absolutely precious!! I made my first fondant/gum paste cake this week... turned out pretty good, pics to come. We have a new cat named, Twizzler. We went from having 30-something chickens to 12 this week. My car which I've had for almost 4 years and had 4,000 something miles on it when I got it, is almost to 18,000 miles... Yikes! :) Other than that Annie's doing fine. I've been able to hang out with an amazing friend, Katie Webster, a few times over the last few months... Have only talked or texted all my other besties... and I miss them. Just saying. Dan, Bethany, Kristen... it STINKS that you all don't live here!! Dan is my "adopted" brother, just so nobody gets the wrong idea. I popped my hip out of joint the other day... that was fun... it was even more fun to pop it back in place. No seriously it was. The relief was AWESOME!! I have a mild sore throat today... and feel kinda sore, maybe it's from moving the piano...... I'm going to Sun City camp sometime next week probably. It's been almost year since Nathan and I broke up... like 20 more days and it will be a whole year. Still seems so weird. I have grown sooo much this year Spiritually, it's been truly amazing! I am so thankful for God's help and leadership in my life! More on that later... But for now, that's pretty much a catch up. Talk to you all soon!!


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