Life is hard... But His yoke is easy
Our loads maybe heavy... But His burden is light
We are tossed on the sea of life... But He brings peace.
Days are long... But His grace is sufficient
We become weary... But He brings rest
Dark night's come... But He shatters the darkness for He's the Bright Morning Star.
The world is bleak... But our outlook is BRIGHT.
Trial's come... But blessings come more.
Sorrow's come... But His joy always abounds more.
Jesus never promised that our way would be trouble free, but He did promise that He'd be with us all the way! We are blessed beyond measure!! Jesus has given us so much... When you start to feel overwhelmed think about all the blessings you DO have!!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Hello, my friends! I've been thinking so much about the song, "Find Us Faithful," recently and what it really means. Faithfulness. Being consistent. Always the same. Not changing or floating about. Standing firm on ones beliefs and values.
Influence is something that begins as soon as there is a younger person than you. You become an influence. An example. This is something that we hear preached to older people, and it is true. But, I want to share with you what's on my heart about this. And I firmly believe that influence is also a HUGE part of a YOUNG person's life.
I have 11 first cousins, ranging from 9 to 19 years younger than I am. I am definitely old enough to have an influence on them! What kind of example do they see in me? Am I a wishy-washy, in and out, up and down, sometimes doing the right thing and sometimes not, "Christian" or am I a solid, determined, stedfast, REAL Christian? If they see me taking my Spiritual life lightly, not caring about God, or His Word, what are they going to think is acceptable for young people? Being rebellious, hard to get along with, defiant teen/young person is NOT acceptable. God wants our WHOLE lives, and you know what? He DESERVES our WHOLE lives back in service to Him, just as a small, small token of our love and appreciation for what He's done for us! I want them to realize that not only is being a Christian young person, is not only the ONLY acceptable thing, but it is the absolute BEST thing in the world. It's not hard to serve Jesus! Situations are hard, but not walking with Him! He is what makes life worth living, He's the One that understands our sorrows and pain, He's the One who can keep us from carrying baggage with us for the rest of our lives. Jesus can and He will! I am called to be FAITHFUL to God. There is someone watching me. If I fail what will they think? Who can they look at then? Will they give up too? Will they think that it's not possible to stand? There is too much at stake for me to fail. Not only my own soul, but those of others.
Not only do I have the responsibility of being Faithful for the little ones, I have those of my own peer group and age, and older people yes, older people. I may be the only Christian an older person comes in contact with... I have an impact on everyone that I come in contact with, whether they 5, 15, 25, or 95. I have an influence. It is my responsibility to so live my life so that I may leave a Heritage of Faithfulness.... Holy footprints to follow... and a desire for all that God has for me.... behind me for ALL to be able to follow.
This is an awesome responsibility. Because it is so great I must stay close to God, follow Him and obey Him in all things, and keep Holly, on this beautiful blood-sprinkled way, of Holiness and Truth. I must. For myself and for all of those whose lives I effect. I must be faithful.
I haven' t been able to get this out the way that I hoped, but I hope the main point came across. I am responsible and so is other young people to follow God and to leave a Godly example for those around us. We can't put it off on older folk, blame them if we don't have the glory in our services... what's wrong with our prayer bones? What's wrong with our hearts? We are just as responsible to keep the glory in our lives and our churches as the older people are. If we don't take that responsibility of faithfulness, we are taking on the responsibility of many many souls that could be lost because we didn't step up and do our part. Didn't say, "I'll be faithful, I'll leave a Godly heritage behind me!" Instead we sit like bumps... ashamed to look old-fashioned... "too busy" to pray and push to see God's work go forward... to lean in our souls to bring the glory to church with us... We gotta be careful, young people, we've gotta do our part! We must make Heaven, and bring someone else along with us!
Enough of my ramblings.... signing off for now.... Much love... and request for many prayers! This topic was for me. I have to set a Holy example. I have to be faithful. There is no choice. I must. Please pray for me as I strive to live a Godly, Holy, Faithful life so that others may find their way to Jesus.
Please take a minute to listen to this song! May we all be found faithful!
Influence is something that begins as soon as there is a younger person than you. You become an influence. An example. This is something that we hear preached to older people, and it is true. But, I want to share with you what's on my heart about this. And I firmly believe that influence is also a HUGE part of a YOUNG person's life.
I have 11 first cousins, ranging from 9 to 19 years younger than I am. I am definitely old enough to have an influence on them! What kind of example do they see in me? Am I a wishy-washy, in and out, up and down, sometimes doing the right thing and sometimes not, "Christian" or am I a solid, determined, stedfast, REAL Christian? If they see me taking my Spiritual life lightly, not caring about God, or His Word, what are they going to think is acceptable for young people? Being rebellious, hard to get along with, defiant teen/young person is NOT acceptable. God wants our WHOLE lives, and you know what? He DESERVES our WHOLE lives back in service to Him, just as a small, small token of our love and appreciation for what He's done for us! I want them to realize that not only is being a Christian young person, is not only the ONLY acceptable thing, but it is the absolute BEST thing in the world. It's not hard to serve Jesus! Situations are hard, but not walking with Him! He is what makes life worth living, He's the One that understands our sorrows and pain, He's the One who can keep us from carrying baggage with us for the rest of our lives. Jesus can and He will! I am called to be FAITHFUL to God. There is someone watching me. If I fail what will they think? Who can they look at then? Will they give up too? Will they think that it's not possible to stand? There is too much at stake for me to fail. Not only my own soul, but those of others.
Not only do I have the responsibility of being Faithful for the little ones, I have those of my own peer group and age, and older people yes, older people. I may be the only Christian an older person comes in contact with... I have an impact on everyone that I come in contact with, whether they 5, 15, 25, or 95. I have an influence. It is my responsibility to so live my life so that I may leave a Heritage of Faithfulness.... Holy footprints to follow... and a desire for all that God has for me.... behind me for ALL to be able to follow.
This is an awesome responsibility. Because it is so great I must stay close to God, follow Him and obey Him in all things, and keep Holly, on this beautiful blood-sprinkled way, of Holiness and Truth. I must. For myself and for all of those whose lives I effect. I must be faithful.
I haven' t been able to get this out the way that I hoped, but I hope the main point came across. I am responsible and so is other young people to follow God and to leave a Godly example for those around us. We can't put it off on older folk, blame them if we don't have the glory in our services... what's wrong with our prayer bones? What's wrong with our hearts? We are just as responsible to keep the glory in our lives and our churches as the older people are. If we don't take that responsibility of faithfulness, we are taking on the responsibility of many many souls that could be lost because we didn't step up and do our part. Didn't say, "I'll be faithful, I'll leave a Godly heritage behind me!" Instead we sit like bumps... ashamed to look old-fashioned... "too busy" to pray and push to see God's work go forward... to lean in our souls to bring the glory to church with us... We gotta be careful, young people, we've gotta do our part! We must make Heaven, and bring someone else along with us!
Enough of my ramblings.... signing off for now.... Much love... and request for many prayers! This topic was for me. I have to set a Holy example. I have to be faithful. There is no choice. I must. Please pray for me as I strive to live a Godly, Holy, Faithful life so that others may find their way to Jesus.
Please take a minute to listen to this song! May we all be found faithful!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb...
This Fourth of July weekend, I want to honor my Country, and those serving in for my Country, but I want to be sure that I honor my Jesus, as well! I want to verbally say that I pledge Allegiance to my FLAG... and most importantly, MY Lord! I love You, Jesus!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
So there's a giveaway going on over at :) Some books up for grabs... 8 to be exact! So head on over at enter! I am :) And even if you don't enter, leave a comment for Carole, cause she has an incredible blog! (and she's a SUPER person) :)
Monday, June 27, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
From My Heart
Hello, my friends! I'm sorry that I haven't posted in so long. I've been trying to compose this post for several days now but just wasn't able to get the words out right.
As most of you know, last weekend was a pretty tough one. Starting on Thursday and lasting even up into this week. Tough. Alot harder than I thought it would be. There were tears. There were phonecalls, texts, hugs, and conversations.... and all those were accompained by tears. Tears I didn't want to shed, but that came without bidding. The greatness of the loss came over me like sea billows on Thursday and throughout the time since. Loss of so many things... it's not just about a wedding that didn't happen. It's not just about a broken relationship. It's about souls. It's about souls that will miss Heaven if they don't find Jesus precious to their hearts again. It's about hurt that has been inflicted on the Body of Christ. That's what it is about. It's really sad.
I don't want those billows to cease, because they give me a renewed urgency and fervor to hold on and to be DESPERATE for God to work. I will not be satisfied until the miracle happens and there is peace and reconciliation again. I know what God has promised and because of the promise and because of the loss I will be DESPERATE until God performs the impossiblities.
So yes, the weekend/week has been tough. But it's also been very good. Through this God showed me areas that I need to move up in. God was faithful to lead me once again. And He was also, full of Grace. His Grace that sustained and held me throughout the weekend and these hard days this week. God's amazing Grace, has comforted me and given me peace even in the midst of the darkest storm of my life. I'm so thankful for the Arms of my Heavenly Father and for His continual leadership and faithfulness to me.
My "was-to-be" wedding day is over, and there are no more dates looming in the future that I will face. The wedding day was the close of a chapter of my life. Now it's on to the next one. And the title of this one?
" When man's impossiblities and FAITH meet God's Power there is Miracles."
Just words today, coming straight from my heart. I'm writing for me, because I never want to forget the emotions I am feeling, and most importantly I never want to forget the lessons I am learning along the way. This blog is my journal. My way to remember. My journey in words through love, loss, and eventually my Miracle.
Hope you all have a Blessed Wednesday!
As most of you know, last weekend was a pretty tough one. Starting on Thursday and lasting even up into this week. Tough. Alot harder than I thought it would be. There were tears. There were phonecalls, texts, hugs, and conversations.... and all those were accompained by tears. Tears I didn't want to shed, but that came without bidding. The greatness of the loss came over me like sea billows on Thursday and throughout the time since. Loss of so many things... it's not just about a wedding that didn't happen. It's not just about a broken relationship. It's about souls. It's about souls that will miss Heaven if they don't find Jesus precious to their hearts again. It's about hurt that has been inflicted on the Body of Christ. That's what it is about. It's really sad.
I don't want those billows to cease, because they give me a renewed urgency and fervor to hold on and to be DESPERATE for God to work. I will not be satisfied until the miracle happens and there is peace and reconciliation again. I know what God has promised and because of the promise and because of the loss I will be DESPERATE until God performs the impossiblities.
So yes, the weekend/week has been tough. But it's also been very good. Through this God showed me areas that I need to move up in. God was faithful to lead me once again. And He was also, full of Grace. His Grace that sustained and held me throughout the weekend and these hard days this week. God's amazing Grace, has comforted me and given me peace even in the midst of the darkest storm of my life. I'm so thankful for the Arms of my Heavenly Father and for His continual leadership and faithfulness to me.
My "was-to-be" wedding day is over, and there are no more dates looming in the future that I will face. The wedding day was the close of a chapter of my life. Now it's on to the next one. And the title of this one?
" When man's impossiblities and FAITH meet God's Power there is Miracles."
Just words today, coming straight from my heart. I'm writing for me, because I never want to forget the emotions I am feeling, and most importantly I never want to forget the lessons I am learning along the way. This blog is my journal. My way to remember. My journey in words through love, loss, and eventually my Miracle.
Hope you all have a Blessed Wednesday!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Living For A Miracle
So I've been thinking alot about how different this week and next would have been if Nathan and I were still together. We would be down to less than a week of when we would have been Mr. & Mrs. I would have been tending to last minute wedding details, anxiously awaiting the arrival of my Bridal Party (as none of them live here), and counting down the hours til I would be Nay's wife. But instead today, I am cleaning the carpet here at home, cleaning the back porch, and other non-essential things like that. So yeah, it's weird, to think about that. It seems strange to realise how different my life would be. I struggled for awhile, with the whole wedding thing. I didn't want to think about not getting married. I didn't want to face June 10th, with no ceremony... no Groom... no White dress... no anything happening that day. But you know what? I'm not struggling anymore. Why? Because back then I was living in for a wedding. Now, I'm living for a miracle.
Living for a miracle that God has promised me. One that is so beautiful and amazing that I cannot even begin to explain it. God took my focus off of June 10th, and instead placed it on a miracle that's coming... In His time. The "manna from Heaven" verse in the sidebar of my blog today, talks about God knowing my times. He knows exactly when the miracle is going to happen. He knows when that day of Wedded Bliss will come. He knows the exact date that I'll wear that White Dress and walk down the aisle to that Groom. He knows. And all He asked me to do was trust. Trust His Words... Trust His plan... and know that He will ALWAYS keep His promises.
So my friends, these days leading up to what would have been my Wedding Day, are not filled with fear, pain, and tears. They are filled with Hope, Anticipation and Joy, because I am living every moment of every single day for My PROMISED Miracle.
Happy Saturday, My friends! Rejoice in the Lord, for in Him we have peace, joy, and GREAT expectancy. Remember, the miracle could happen today!
Living for a miracle that God has promised me. One that is so beautiful and amazing that I cannot even begin to explain it. God took my focus off of June 10th, and instead placed it on a miracle that's coming... In His time. The "manna from Heaven" verse in the sidebar of my blog today, talks about God knowing my times. He knows exactly when the miracle is going to happen. He knows when that day of Wedded Bliss will come. He knows the exact date that I'll wear that White Dress and walk down the aisle to that Groom. He knows. And all He asked me to do was trust. Trust His Words... Trust His plan... and know that He will ALWAYS keep His promises.
So my friends, these days leading up to what would have been my Wedding Day, are not filled with fear, pain, and tears. They are filled with Hope, Anticipation and Joy, because I am living every moment of every single day for My PROMISED Miracle.
Happy Saturday, My friends! Rejoice in the Lord, for in Him we have peace, joy, and GREAT expectancy. Remember, the miracle could happen today!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Hello, my friends! I know I've been off of here for a while! Sorry! It's been so busy! May has flown by and I cannot believe that we are almost half way through this year.
This past month has been one of growing in the Lord. He has taught me many, many things, but the most dominant one has been faith. Faith in God sounds fairly simple. I have always believed in God... believed that He could do the impossible... but God has been showing me that true faith, is so much more than that.
Faith is an expectant waiting for God to the impossible. It is anxiously waiting for, with a heart knowledge that it is going to happen, your miracle, your answer to prayer, your need to be met. Faith takes action. To have faith you must pray and talk to your Heavenly Father! He is the only one who can help you believe the way you should. You must put that faith in action by standing on and claiming that God is going to do what He said, no matter how impossible it looks. It is KNOWING that God is going to answer prayer and proclaiming that not only in your heart but verbally. It is planning for the situation, circumstance, etc... as if the answer to prayer has already happened. Faith is taking our hands completely off of the situation/ our life, and saying "Lord, this is COMPLETELY in Your hands! I CANNOT do this. I CANNOT work this out. ONLY YOU, can do this... ONLY YOU can work a miracle... ONLY YOU, can answer these prayers!" That is faith in action. That is TRUE Faith.
Having true faith doesn't mean that you're not going to have doubts sometimes. The Devil will work overtime to make you feel doubtful, like the situation is hopeless and that we are going to look like a fool for saying that God is going to do something so "impossible". That is not wrong, for the Devil will always try us... where it becomes wrong, is when we listen to him instead of rebuking the Devil and proclaiming once again with SURETY and CONFIDENCE that God IS going to answer prayer, that He IS going to do the impossible, and that He WILL fulfill His promises.
God will bolster our Faith and will give blessings to us if we continue to ask Him for His help and if we continue to TRULY believe that He IS going to do exactly what He said He would do. Faith is abandoning our feeble attempts to "make it work" and giving it ALL to God, and allowing Him to not just "make it work" but to "make it perfect"!
Just a few lessons I've been learning... Hope this helps someone as much as it's helped me!
Have a wonderful Tuesday, my friends!
This past month has been one of growing in the Lord. He has taught me many, many things, but the most dominant one has been faith. Faith in God sounds fairly simple. I have always believed in God... believed that He could do the impossible... but God has been showing me that true faith, is so much more than that.
Faith is an expectant waiting for God to the impossible. It is anxiously waiting for, with a heart knowledge that it is going to happen, your miracle, your answer to prayer, your need to be met. Faith takes action. To have faith you must pray and talk to your Heavenly Father! He is the only one who can help you believe the way you should. You must put that faith in action by standing on and claiming that God is going to do what He said, no matter how impossible it looks. It is KNOWING that God is going to answer prayer and proclaiming that not only in your heart but verbally. It is planning for the situation, circumstance, etc... as if the answer to prayer has already happened. Faith is taking our hands completely off of the situation/ our life, and saying "Lord, this is COMPLETELY in Your hands! I CANNOT do this. I CANNOT work this out. ONLY YOU, can do this... ONLY YOU can work a miracle... ONLY YOU, can answer these prayers!" That is faith in action. That is TRUE Faith.
Having true faith doesn't mean that you're not going to have doubts sometimes. The Devil will work overtime to make you feel doubtful, like the situation is hopeless and that we are going to look like a fool for saying that God is going to do something so "impossible". That is not wrong, for the Devil will always try us... where it becomes wrong, is when we listen to him instead of rebuking the Devil and proclaiming once again with SURETY and CONFIDENCE that God IS going to answer prayer, that He IS going to do the impossible, and that He WILL fulfill His promises.
God will bolster our Faith and will give blessings to us if we continue to ask Him for His help and if we continue to TRULY believe that He IS going to do exactly what He said He would do. Faith is abandoning our feeble attempts to "make it work" and giving it ALL to God, and allowing Him to not just "make it work" but to "make it perfect"!
Just a few lessons I've been learning... Hope this helps someone as much as it's helped me!
Have a wonderful Tuesday, my friends!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day!
A very Happy Mother's Day to my Beautiful Mum! Thank-You, for always being a consistent Christian example to me! Thank-You, for always loving me, supporting me, and showing me that God's in control! Thank-You, for believing in me when no one else does! Thank-You, for taking care of me, our home, and doing all the little things you do! They don't go unnoticed! Thank-You, for being my best friend... my confidant... my safe place... my shoulder to cry on... the arms of comfort and love. Thank-You, for being there especially through these last few months. Thank-You, for letting me grieve... but thank-you, especially for always pointing out the fact that I have to trust God! Thank-You, for praying for me and lifting me up to God! Thank-You, for just being you... You're so so so special and there is no one else in the world that could ever take your place in my heart! I love you, Mom, with all my heart! I'm so thankful God gave me you, to be my Momma! You're the best one in the whole world!
Love Now and Always,
Your Daughter
Love Now and Always,
Your Daughter
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Good Things Come From Above
But the only way to see them is by lifting up my eyes! The Lord spoke to me so clearly on Sunday and told me this. Lift up your eyes, Holly, there are good things coming, but you can't see them if your always looking at the ground! You can't see the mountain top (victory) if your looking at the valley (trial). So, I will life up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help! Feeling happy in Jesus this week! No matter the trial or the test, if I keep my focus upward, on HIM, I will see victory ahead... HEAVEN! If that's not enough to keep me going, I don't know what is! :) I have peace. Peace in the midst of trouble, there is peace in the midst of the storm. Peace because of God's presence! I can be in the middle of a roaring sea and still have peace! Praise the Lord for His peace! Peace which passeth all understanding... why does it pass all understanding? Because, normally there would not be peace in the middle of a bad storm at sea. There would be anxiety, fear, and confusion. But with Jesus as my Captain, I have peace. So thankful for my Heavenly Father, today and all that He's done for me! I love You, precious Jesus, with all of my heart!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Good Friday~
What else can I post today, other than a BIG THANK-YOU, to Jesus! Thank-You, for paying the ultimate price! Thank-You, for saving a wretch like me! Thank-You, for giving Your ALL for me! Thank-You, for loving me when I was unlovable! Thank-You, for Your grace and mercy! Thank-You, for SUNDAY...for RISING AGAIN! Thank-You, precious Jesus, for it all! I love You, Lord!
Because of what He's done for me... This is the least I can do in return... Embrace the Cross. PLEASE pause the music at the bottom of this page, and listen to this song!
Because of what He's done for me... This is the least I can do in return... Embrace the Cross. PLEASE pause the music at the bottom of this page, and listen to this song!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
My Heart's Cry
Giving My Life Away
Words and Music by Nate Sabin © Lorilu Music
1.I’ve seen a vision harsh and sweet,
Of One who gave all He had for me.
I’ve felt the passion of His death
And the forgiveness in His final breath.
Now I can never be the same.
My heart has been forever changed;
I’ve got to live and love and give the way He gave.
CHORUS: I’m giving my life away, laying it down on the altar;
Now I’m giving my life away, the very least I can offer is my all.
So here I stand today, giving my life away.
2.No earthly price could be too great;
No sacrifice too much to make.
No way of measuring the cost next to the blood of Calvary’s cross.
So if I live, I live for Him; or if I die, I count it gain.
My life is not my own, but His from this day on.
CHORUS: I’m giving my life away, laying it down on the altar;
Now I’m giving my life away, the very least I can offer is my all.
So here I stand today, giving my life away.
Words and Music by Nate Sabin © Lorilu Music
1.I’ve seen a vision harsh and sweet,
Of One who gave all He had for me.
I’ve felt the passion of His death
And the forgiveness in His final breath.
Now I can never be the same.
My heart has been forever changed;
I’ve got to live and love and give the way He gave.
CHORUS: I’m giving my life away, laying it down on the altar;
Now I’m giving my life away, the very least I can offer is my all.
So here I stand today, giving my life away.
2.No earthly price could be too great;
No sacrifice too much to make.
No way of measuring the cost next to the blood of Calvary’s cross.
So if I live, I live for Him; or if I die, I count it gain.
My life is not my own, but His from this day on.
CHORUS: I’m giving my life away, laying it down on the altar;
Now I’m giving my life away, the very least I can offer is my all.
So here I stand today, giving my life away.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
I'm a seeker of His heart
Hope you enjoy this song! Truly this is my heart's cry!
Jesus,I want to always be a seeker of Your heart! At this special time of year, I look back and think of what You did for me at Calvary... I am again awed by how much You love me! I have fallen deeper in love with You, precious Jesus, and realize again how much I owe You! You gave everything for me, I in return, owe EVERYTHING to You! I am so unworthy! Jesus, You are Worthy! Worthy of ALL of my praise and adoration!
Jesus,I want to always be a seeker of Your heart! At this special time of year, I look back and think of what You did for me at Calvary... I am again awed by how much You love me! I have fallen deeper in love with You, precious Jesus, and realize again how much I owe You! You gave everything for me, I in return, owe EVERYTHING to You! I am so unworthy! Jesus, You are Worthy! Worthy of ALL of my praise and adoration!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Stop. . .Drop. . . Roll
When the storms of life come and you don't know what to do, there is one formula that assures us overcoming victory!
Stop. Stop trying to take care of things on our own. Quit running here and there trying to take care of this, fix that, quench that bit of gossip or wrong doing.
Drop. Drop to our knees and give HIM full control of the situation. Jesus knows and has the power to take care of us! If He can say "Peace be still" and the waves instantly become calm, then why do we hesitate to give Him our problems? He SPOKE the world into existence. . . and we "wonder" if He can take care of our storm? Oh Yes, He can take care of it alright. . . it's just a matter of our faith in Him. Do we trust Him enough to let Him take care of it in His time?
Roll. Let the Hallelujahs ROLL! Yes, praise Him in the storm! What's that song say? "God wants to hear you sing, when the waves are crashing round' you, when the fiery darts surround you, when despair is all you see. God wants to hear your voice when the wisest man has spoken, says your circumstance is hopeless as can be. That's when God wants to hear you sing." That pretty much says it all :) Praising Him is a very effective way to have victory. The Devil HATES for us to praise on purpose. What is praising on purpose? That's praising Jesus, for the full deliverance we KNOW is coming! Praising HIM for answered prayer when we don't see it being answered. Praising HIM for peace when the waves are 1,000 feet tall and tossing your boat around. That my friend, is praising on purpose. It's trust that KNOWS, He will answer prayer and deliver us, In His Time.
So the next time Satan comes around. . . Stop. Drop. Roll.
Good night, my friends! Remember. . .
~God's in His Heaven. All's right with the world!~
Stop. Stop trying to take care of things on our own. Quit running here and there trying to take care of this, fix that, quench that bit of gossip or wrong doing.
Drop. Drop to our knees and give HIM full control of the situation. Jesus knows and has the power to take care of us! If He can say "Peace be still" and the waves instantly become calm, then why do we hesitate to give Him our problems? He SPOKE the world into existence. . . and we "wonder" if He can take care of our storm? Oh Yes, He can take care of it alright. . . it's just a matter of our faith in Him. Do we trust Him enough to let Him take care of it in His time?
Roll. Let the Hallelujahs ROLL! Yes, praise Him in the storm! What's that song say? "God wants to hear you sing, when the waves are crashing round' you, when the fiery darts surround you, when despair is all you see. God wants to hear your voice when the wisest man has spoken, says your circumstance is hopeless as can be. That's when God wants to hear you sing." That pretty much says it all :) Praising Him is a very effective way to have victory. The Devil HATES for us to praise on purpose. What is praising on purpose? That's praising Jesus, for the full deliverance we KNOW is coming! Praising HIM for answered prayer when we don't see it being answered. Praising HIM for peace when the waves are 1,000 feet tall and tossing your boat around. That my friend, is praising on purpose. It's trust that KNOWS, He will answer prayer and deliver us, In His Time.
So the next time Satan comes around. . . Stop. Drop. Roll.
Good night, my friends! Remember. . .
~God's in His Heaven. All's right with the world!~
Monday, April 18, 2011
Beautiful In His Time
In His time, in His time.
He makes all things beautiful, in His time.
Lord, please show me every day,
As You’re teaching me Your way,
That You do just what You say,
In Your time.
In Your time, in Your time,
You make all things beautiful, in Your time.
Lord, my life to You I bring,
May each song I have to sing
Be to You a lovely thing,
In Your time.
My life will be beautiful and perfect... In HIS time. :) Such a consolation to rest on Him and know that He has everything under control! I love You, precious Jesus!
He makes all things beautiful, in His time.
Lord, please show me every day,
As You’re teaching me Your way,
That You do just what You say,
In Your time.
In Your time, in Your time,
You make all things beautiful, in Your time.
Lord, my life to You I bring,
May each song I have to sing
Be to You a lovely thing,
In Your time.
My life will be beautiful and perfect... In HIS time. :) Such a consolation to rest on Him and know that He has everything under control! I love You, precious Jesus!
New Chapter
A chapter of my life, that spanned nearly 6 years, has closed. In this time, I learned about friendship, love and loss.
But you know what? This chapter has brought me so many good things and I am so thankful for it! "I thought your fiance broke up with you?" you may say... "how then can you say you are thankful?" My friend, let me tell you why I am so grateful!
I am thankful because in this time, I learned to trust God so much more,
because He was the only One who understood me and situations I faced.
I learned to fall completely into His arms of strength and grace, and rely upon His word.I was reminded of the fact that walking with God,is a daily choice.
I was reminded that when you walk with God there is peace,joy, and hope.
I was reminded, that the center of the Will of God is the safest place to be.
I was reminded that, one step outside of God's Will, will bring destruction, sorrow and pain to your heart. I was stirred like never before, to stay close to Jesus,
and allow Him to lead me in every area of life. It brought me to the point where I had to stand and make a decision about which way I was going to go.
Did I love Jesus enough to lose my fiance, the love of my life?
Did I love Him enough to face the future, possibly alone for the rest of my life?
Did I love Him enough to stand up for what was right? Did I love Jesus enough,to give up the one thing I have wanted, longed for, and dreamed of all my life... a husband, a home,and a family? Yes, this chapter brought me to that point, and I am so glad that I answered YES! Yes, Precious Jesus, I love Thee more than ALL of these!
So Yes,Nathan and I are no longer together. Yes, I was supposed to get married in less than two months from now. Yes, it was devastating to get that phone call 5 days after he proposed, and hearing him call off the wedding, for no reason. Yes, it was devastatingto receive a letter in the mail, 10 days after he proposed, on our fifth year anniversary, breaking up with me for no reason. Yes, it was hard to have all of my life turned upside down. Yes, there were times of tears and sorrow. Yes, my heart got broken. But, in light of all that learned, I am blessed and I am thankful for all of the things God has taught me through this experience! He took something ugly and made it beautiful. Took my ashes and made them jewels. Took my heartache gave me joy. How then, can I not Praise Him? He is my ALL in ALL, my King, The Lover of my soul, my Saviour, my Couselor, my Comforter, and my soon coming Bridegroom!
My heart rejoices in God, for He is all together wonderful and marvelous to me!
For Nathan, I have no ill feelings. I am not mad or upset with him. My only sadness,
is that he is not in Spiritual Victory now. So I will continue to pray for him and hope that someday he will return to the fold and find once again, the peace and joy that only comes from serving Jesus. I wish him only the best for the future and ultimately I want him to find Jesus precious to his heart again, so that he will make Heaven.
This chapter is finished, and now a new one has begun. I do not know what lies ahead but I know that the Author of my life does and will trust Him because He doeth ALL things well! I am a blank page before God, He has the quill and ink in His Almighty hand, and is writing my story, line by line, chapter by chapter, diligently working toward the time, when He will write with a flourish, "The End."
But you know what? This chapter has brought me so many good things and I am so thankful for it! "I thought your fiance broke up with you?" you may say... "how then can you say you are thankful?" My friend, let me tell you why I am so grateful!
I am thankful because in this time, I learned to trust God so much more,
because He was the only One who understood me and situations I faced.
I learned to fall completely into His arms of strength and grace, and rely upon His word.I was reminded of the fact that walking with God,is a daily choice.
I was reminded that when you walk with God there is peace,joy, and hope.
I was reminded, that the center of the Will of God is the safest place to be.
I was reminded that, one step outside of God's Will, will bring destruction, sorrow and pain to your heart. I was stirred like never before, to stay close to Jesus,
and allow Him to lead me in every area of life. It brought me to the point where I had to stand and make a decision about which way I was going to go.
Did I love Jesus enough to lose my fiance, the love of my life?
Did I love Him enough to face the future, possibly alone for the rest of my life?
Did I love Him enough to stand up for what was right? Did I love Jesus enough,to give up the one thing I have wanted, longed for, and dreamed of all my life... a husband, a home,and a family? Yes, this chapter brought me to that point, and I am so glad that I answered YES! Yes, Precious Jesus, I love Thee more than ALL of these!
So Yes,Nathan and I are no longer together. Yes, I was supposed to get married in less than two months from now. Yes, it was devastating to get that phone call 5 days after he proposed, and hearing him call off the wedding, for no reason. Yes, it was devastatingto receive a letter in the mail, 10 days after he proposed, on our fifth year anniversary, breaking up with me for no reason. Yes, it was hard to have all of my life turned upside down. Yes, there were times of tears and sorrow. Yes, my heart got broken. But, in light of all that learned, I am blessed and I am thankful for all of the things God has taught me through this experience! He took something ugly and made it beautiful. Took my ashes and made them jewels. Took my heartache gave me joy. How then, can I not Praise Him? He is my ALL in ALL, my King, The Lover of my soul, my Saviour, my Couselor, my Comforter, and my soon coming Bridegroom!
My heart rejoices in God, for He is all together wonderful and marvelous to me!
For Nathan, I have no ill feelings. I am not mad or upset with him. My only sadness,
is that he is not in Spiritual Victory now. So I will continue to pray for him and hope that someday he will return to the fold and find once again, the peace and joy that only comes from serving Jesus. I wish him only the best for the future and ultimately I want him to find Jesus precious to his heart again, so that he will make Heaven.
This chapter is finished, and now a new one has begun. I do not know what lies ahead but I know that the Author of my life does and will trust Him because He doeth ALL things well! I am a blank page before God, He has the quill and ink in His Almighty hand, and is writing my story, line by line, chapter by chapter, diligently working toward the time, when He will write with a flourish, "The End."
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Burning Love
That's the title of Pap-pa's message tonight. Taken from Song of Solomon chapter eight verses five through seven.
5.Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? I raised thee up under the apple tree: there thy mother brought thee forth: there she brought thee forth that bare thee.
6.Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.
7.Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.
A burning, ardent love for God. I don't even know where to start, I have so many thoughts swirling around in my head.
A relationship between two people, that are in love is beautiful. It's warm it's caring, it's a give-and-take relationship, it's communication, it's a perfect picture of loyalty, trust, and strength (the greatest strength is found in leaning on each other).
You say that this doesn't really relate to this Scripture and you're right. But let's relate this relationship to what our relationship with God should be.
The relationship between God and man is the most beautiful thing ever! It goes both ways. God loved us unconditionally and we are to love Him the same way. If we love God, not just a general, lack-luster love, but a BURNING, ARDENT love, then we will receive His blessing and love in return. We should care for God, just as He cares for us. You know how you do special things for that person you love? Same thing applies here. He gives us so many special blessings and benefits, shouldn't we do the same thing for Him? Shouldn't we praise Him, and honor Him, and glorify Him in everything we do? Shouldn't we let the world know that HE is supreme in our hearts, our number 1? Yes, we should and we will if we have this BURNING LOVE. The more that we give to God the more He gives to us, and His "gifts" always outweigh our feeble offerings a million + to one. Communication is key in a relationship. The more that we love someone the more we want to talk to them and communicate with them. It's the same thing with God. The more love BURNS in me for HIM, the more I want to talk to HIM, want to be with Him,want to know HIM, want to please HIM. BURNING and ARDENT love for God will be reciprocated, and that relationship is the most perfect picture of loyalty, trust, and strength. Loyalty to Him, because He loves me so much and gave His ALL for me. How can I not be loyal and true to my Precious Redeemer? In return, He is faithful to me and never leaves alone. He always keeps His word and brings me through each trial with victory. Trust in Him, because He has NEVER let me down! Trust in Him, because He cares and always fulfills His promises. He trusts me to be faithful and to lean on Him for guidance and deliverance. How can I possibly let Him down? Strength. True strength and courage is only found when I lean on God for EVERYTHING. Leaning on Him, because He's already walked ahead of me and knows what I'm going to face. He has all the grace needed, all the sustaining power in store for me. Nothing is going to take Him off guard, He knows it ALL! Why wouldn't I trust the ONE who planned my whole life,knows what's going to happen, and knows me better than anyone else? BURNING LOVE will make me be loyal, trusting, and forever leaning on HIM, because I know He is worthy and because I love Him and want to please Him.
This message stirred my heart to love God more and let Him KNOW more and more how much He means to me and how much I love Him. He is Worthy to be loved and adored!
We don't have any trouble loving that special someone, or our family and friends, why then do people struggle to love God. Is it because we don't realize how unworthy yet priviledged we are to have HIM?
Jesus, help me to NEVER forget just how unworthy I am and how much I need YOU! Without Your love, I wouldn't be here. I would be, deservingly, in Hell. But YOU, looking across time saw a filthy, wretched girl who would be born in 1992, named Holly, and You thought she was important enough to leave Heaven, all of Your Glory, Your Praise, all of the comforts You had and come to earth. And for what? To die. To die, a horrible, painful death. You did that for me. You looked and saw me, and said that I was worth dying for. You loved me, when I didn't love you. You kept calling me even when I turned You away. Jesus, how can I not love You with a Burning love when I think of all that You've done for me? I love Thee, Lord Jesus, with all of my heart! Thank-You, for coming to earth for me. Thank-You, for dying to save me. Thank-You for Your Divine love that loved me so much when I was so unlovable. Thank-You, Precious Jesus! Lord, Help me to be always be awed by Thy love that way I will always love Thee with the Burning love that You desire. I want to live my life to please You in ALL that I do! I love You, Lord!
"I Love Thee, Lord Jesus, with all of my heart,
I Love Thee, Lord Jesus, with all of my heart,
For dying on Calvary, for giving me victory,
I Love Thee, Lord Jesus, with all of my heart!"
5.Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? I raised thee up under the apple tree: there thy mother brought thee forth: there she brought thee forth that bare thee.
6.Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.
7.Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.
A burning, ardent love for God. I don't even know where to start, I have so many thoughts swirling around in my head.
A relationship between two people, that are in love is beautiful. It's warm it's caring, it's a give-and-take relationship, it's communication, it's a perfect picture of loyalty, trust, and strength (the greatest strength is found in leaning on each other).
You say that this doesn't really relate to this Scripture and you're right. But let's relate this relationship to what our relationship with God should be.
The relationship between God and man is the most beautiful thing ever! It goes both ways. God loved us unconditionally and we are to love Him the same way. If we love God, not just a general, lack-luster love, but a BURNING, ARDENT love, then we will receive His blessing and love in return. We should care for God, just as He cares for us. You know how you do special things for that person you love? Same thing applies here. He gives us so many special blessings and benefits, shouldn't we do the same thing for Him? Shouldn't we praise Him, and honor Him, and glorify Him in everything we do? Shouldn't we let the world know that HE is supreme in our hearts, our number 1? Yes, we should and we will if we have this BURNING LOVE. The more that we give to God the more He gives to us, and His "gifts" always outweigh our feeble offerings a million + to one. Communication is key in a relationship. The more that we love someone the more we want to talk to them and communicate with them. It's the same thing with God. The more love BURNS in me for HIM, the more I want to talk to HIM, want to be with Him,want to know HIM, want to please HIM. BURNING and ARDENT love for God will be reciprocated, and that relationship is the most perfect picture of loyalty, trust, and strength. Loyalty to Him, because He loves me so much and gave His ALL for me. How can I not be loyal and true to my Precious Redeemer? In return, He is faithful to me and never leaves alone. He always keeps His word and brings me through each trial with victory. Trust in Him, because He has NEVER let me down! Trust in Him, because He cares and always fulfills His promises. He trusts me to be faithful and to lean on Him for guidance and deliverance. How can I possibly let Him down? Strength. True strength and courage is only found when I lean on God for EVERYTHING. Leaning on Him, because He's already walked ahead of me and knows what I'm going to face. He has all the grace needed, all the sustaining power in store for me. Nothing is going to take Him off guard, He knows it ALL! Why wouldn't I trust the ONE who planned my whole life,knows what's going to happen, and knows me better than anyone else? BURNING LOVE will make me be loyal, trusting, and forever leaning on HIM, because I know He is worthy and because I love Him and want to please Him.
This message stirred my heart to love God more and let Him KNOW more and more how much He means to me and how much I love Him. He is Worthy to be loved and adored!
We don't have any trouble loving that special someone, or our family and friends, why then do people struggle to love God. Is it because we don't realize how unworthy yet priviledged we are to have HIM?
Jesus, help me to NEVER forget just how unworthy I am and how much I need YOU! Without Your love, I wouldn't be here. I would be, deservingly, in Hell. But YOU, looking across time saw a filthy, wretched girl who would be born in 1992, named Holly, and You thought she was important enough to leave Heaven, all of Your Glory, Your Praise, all of the comforts You had and come to earth. And for what? To die. To die, a horrible, painful death. You did that for me. You looked and saw me, and said that I was worth dying for. You loved me, when I didn't love you. You kept calling me even when I turned You away. Jesus, how can I not love You with a Burning love when I think of all that You've done for me? I love Thee, Lord Jesus, with all of my heart! Thank-You, for coming to earth for me. Thank-You, for dying to save me. Thank-You for Your Divine love that loved me so much when I was so unlovable. Thank-You, Precious Jesus! Lord, Help me to be always be awed by Thy love that way I will always love Thee with the Burning love that You desire. I want to live my life to please You in ALL that I do! I love You, Lord!
"I Love Thee, Lord Jesus, with all of my heart,
I Love Thee, Lord Jesus, with all of my heart,
For dying on Calvary, for giving me victory,
I Love Thee, Lord Jesus, with all of my heart!"
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Life is so uncertain
While I was in church this morning, enjoying God's amazing presence, My great uncle Terry, passed from this life into an endless eternity at the age of 57. A massive heart attack claimed him while he was in church this morning... Life is so incredibly uncertain! This serves as a reminder that we must always be ready to go, because we never know when it will be our time to go or when Jesus will come!
Please pray for my Pap-pa as this is his younger brother and this was a big shock!! Also, pray for the rest of the family if you would at this difficult time for them.
Please pray for my Pap-pa as this is his younger brother and this was a big shock!! Also, pray for the rest of the family if you would at this difficult time for them.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Four Years ago
There was a Wonderful man who went Home
There was rejoicing in Heaven over this homecoming
There was a crown placed on the head of this sweet man
There was a shout of praise as he seen his Saviour for the first time
There was a running and leaping that happened on the streets of glad when this precious man got his new, forever healthy, body.
Also, four years ago...
There was a phone call that changed our lives forever
There was shock
There was tears
There was heartache
There was joy that this loving man was no longer in pain and would never have to give himself shots of insulin again...
There was peace because we KNEW that he was with Jesus
There is a wonderful man in Heaven...
There is still shouting, running, and joyous praise happening...
There is still rejoicing in Heaven that this pilgrim is home...
There is a caring and wonderful man who is "pulling" for me to make it home.
Also today...
There is still tears...
There is still heartache...
There is still joy...
There is still peace...
There is a fervent determination to make it home to see him this man once again and forever praise and glorify THE KING!!!
This man is my Uncle Paul.

He passed away 4 years ago yesterday, and with him he took a piece of my heart. Now some of my heart is over in glory with alot of other pieces too... (you see I have several loved ones over there that have pieces of my heart with them :) ) and because of that my desire is even stronger to go home! My heart YEARNS to go home! I want to see Jesus most of all and praise HIM forever for making it possible for me to be HIS child! Then I want to see all those dear ones that have already made the crossing safely!
Uncle Paul, you are greatly missed! Your hugs, your smile, your rumbling laughter, your love for God, your testimonies... the list goes on... you are so so missed! I love you and can't wait to come HOME and see you again! Keep waiting at the Eastern Gate, for I'm coming in the morning! Give Justin a hug and kiss from me and tell him I can't wait to meet him and that I love him!
Much Love Now and Always,
There was rejoicing in Heaven over this homecoming
There was a crown placed on the head of this sweet man
There was a shout of praise as he seen his Saviour for the first time
There was a running and leaping that happened on the streets of glad when this precious man got his new, forever healthy, body.
Also, four years ago...
There was a phone call that changed our lives forever
There was shock
There was tears
There was heartache
There was joy that this loving man was no longer in pain and would never have to give himself shots of insulin again...
There was peace because we KNEW that he was with Jesus
There is a wonderful man in Heaven...
There is still shouting, running, and joyous praise happening...
There is still rejoicing in Heaven that this pilgrim is home...
There is a caring and wonderful man who is "pulling" for me to make it home.
Also today...
There is still tears...
There is still heartache...
There is still joy...
There is still peace...
There is a fervent determination to make it home to see him this man once again and forever praise and glorify THE KING!!!
This man is my Uncle Paul.

He passed away 4 years ago yesterday, and with him he took a piece of my heart. Now some of my heart is over in glory with alot of other pieces too... (you see I have several loved ones over there that have pieces of my heart with them :) ) and because of that my desire is even stronger to go home! My heart YEARNS to go home! I want to see Jesus most of all and praise HIM forever for making it possible for me to be HIS child! Then I want to see all those dear ones that have already made the crossing safely!
Uncle Paul, you are greatly missed! Your hugs, your smile, your rumbling laughter, your love for God, your testimonies... the list goes on... you are so so missed! I love you and can't wait to come HOME and see you again! Keep waiting at the Eastern Gate, for I'm coming in the morning! Give Justin a hug and kiss from me and tell him I can't wait to meet him and that I love him!
Much Love Now and Always,
Saturday, March 12, 2011
I'm officially over the hill
I turned 19 on Friday! haha! But it does seem abit weird to be in my final stretch towards 20 :)
Anyways, I had a beautiful birthday! It was spent surrounded by my sweet family and the love of my wonderful friends!! I love you all so so much!! You're the best ever!
So, I just wanted to take a minute, and tell you all what the greatest birthday presents were that I got this year! Sound good? Ok, here we go... :)
1.The Lord's sweet presence that was with me from the time I woke up... Such an amazing feeling to have Him so close to me! I love HIM with ALL of my heart and am going to serve HIM ALL of my life!! Thank-You, Jesus, for ALWAYS being with me and guiding my life! You will ALWAYS hold first place in my life and my affections!
2.My wonderful family! :) They're amazing and showered me with love and affection! I'm spoiled by all their love! Yes, I love the gifts they got for me,but it's THEM(my family) that is the greatest gift to me! I love them so much! They've been there for me, supporting me, loving me, and believing in me! So to all of you, give yourselves a great big hug from me! I love you!
3.My amazing friends! They all made me feel so special! You all are so awesome and I love you guys! :) You've been right there to return the texts lol! or to talk, to listen, to cry with, to laugh with, to share with, to love and to make our friendship something beautiful! I've got the greatest friends in the whole world! Love you all! Give yourselves a big hug from me!
Yes, those are my greatest gifts for this birthday and for all 364 unbirthdays that I had this year... and the one I've had so far this year! :) These are the ones I'm most thankful for... and I want my Jesus to know first of all, that I love HIM, with all of my heart! Then I want all my family and friends to know that I love them! So to all of you... I LOVE YOU!
Much love now and always,
Anyways, I had a beautiful birthday! It was spent surrounded by my sweet family and the love of my wonderful friends!! I love you all so so much!! You're the best ever!
So, I just wanted to take a minute, and tell you all what the greatest birthday presents were that I got this year! Sound good? Ok, here we go... :)
1.The Lord's sweet presence that was with me from the time I woke up... Such an amazing feeling to have Him so close to me! I love HIM with ALL of my heart and am going to serve HIM ALL of my life!! Thank-You, Jesus, for ALWAYS being with me and guiding my life! You will ALWAYS hold first place in my life and my affections!
2.My wonderful family! :) They're amazing and showered me with love and affection! I'm spoiled by all their love! Yes, I love the gifts they got for me,but it's THEM(my family) that is the greatest gift to me! I love them so much! They've been there for me, supporting me, loving me, and believing in me! So to all of you, give yourselves a great big hug from me! I love you!
3.My amazing friends! They all made me feel so special! You all are so awesome and I love you guys! :) You've been right there to return the texts lol! or to talk, to listen, to cry with, to laugh with, to share with, to love and to make our friendship something beautiful! I've got the greatest friends in the whole world! Love you all! Give yourselves a big hug from me!
Yes, those are my greatest gifts for this birthday and for all 364 unbirthdays that I had this year... and the one I've had so far this year! :) These are the ones I'm most thankful for... and I want my Jesus to know first of all, that I love HIM, with all of my heart! Then I want all my family and friends to know that I love them! So to all of you... I LOVE YOU!
Much love now and always,
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Here am I, Lord, send me!
I gave up Heaven to come down to earth
gave up my glory to experience a lowly birth
I left my Father, my angels, my praise,
to come live among the ones that despised holy ways
I gave of my power, provisions, my life
only to be let down,rejected in my hour of strife
At the end I gave forgiveness and finally my all
to offer communion with God, not had since "The Fall"
So to you, I say, I gave my everything for thee,
What in return will you do for Me?
Would you be willing to leave your home
if I asked you for Me the earth to roam?
Would you leave family and friends behind
to from sin's pit, souls to mine?
Would you give of all your resources
to save and protect My sheep from Satan's forces?
Will you give your life, love, and devotion
to set in someone's heart, Calvary's plan in motion?
Is it too much to ask, your life for me to live
when I for you did everything give?
The call has gone forth, the message has been given,
who will go and see that my flock becomes marked not Condemned but FORGIVEN?
May these words become our creed,
may it be heard from sea to shining sea
"Here am I, Lord, send Me!"
gave up my glory to experience a lowly birth
I left my Father, my angels, my praise,
to come live among the ones that despised holy ways
I gave of my power, provisions, my life
only to be let down,rejected in my hour of strife
At the end I gave forgiveness and finally my all
to offer communion with God, not had since "The Fall"
So to you, I say, I gave my everything for thee,
What in return will you do for Me?
Would you be willing to leave your home
if I asked you for Me the earth to roam?
Would you leave family and friends behind
to from sin's pit, souls to mine?
Would you give of all your resources
to save and protect My sheep from Satan's forces?
Will you give your life, love, and devotion
to set in someone's heart, Calvary's plan in motion?
Is it too much to ask, your life for me to live
when I for you did everything give?
The call has gone forth, the message has been given,
who will go and see that my flock becomes marked not Condemned but FORGIVEN?
May these words become our creed,
may it be heard from sea to shining sea
"Here am I, Lord, send Me!"
Saturday, February 26, 2011
So I'm ready...
To get back to writing. Not just here on my blog, but also in my book. Yes, my poor critics... I know! :) I reread my little clip I wrote about the story and am all worked up and excited now again :) Here is a little taste, let me know what you think ok? Pretty please! :) This book will be for middle grade,(8-12 year olds)Seeing as kiddos are my passion. Without further delay... A snippet lol
Normal family living in New York, besides the fact that Grand-ma Hutchinson lives with them. Mom stays home with the kids and Dad works as an Attorney. The kids go to a private school. Dillon is in 10th grade, Allie is in 8th grade, and Jenna is in 5th grade. Jenna loves to hula hoop, draw and hang out with her Best Friend, Amy.
All things change when Dad decides to join the Air Force. What will this mean to the family? What will they do without their Husband and Daddy? Who will provide for the family now? Who will take care of the kids? What about school programs and holidays, will Daddy still come? So many questions, so few answers… Perhaps the biggest question on Jenna’s mind is: Will Daddy come home again? In the midst of all these struggles Jenna learns a valuable lesson about God’s care and protection over His children.
Scripture the book “teaches”—
I Peter 3: 12a
For the eyes of the Lord [are] over the righteous, and his ears [are open] unto their prayers:
Normal family living in New York, besides the fact that Grand-ma Hutchinson lives with them. Mom stays home with the kids and Dad works as an Attorney. The kids go to a private school. Dillon is in 10th grade, Allie is in 8th grade, and Jenna is in 5th grade. Jenna loves to hula hoop, draw and hang out with her Best Friend, Amy.
All things change when Dad decides to join the Air Force. What will this mean to the family? What will they do without their Husband and Daddy? Who will provide for the family now? Who will take care of the kids? What about school programs and holidays, will Daddy still come? So many questions, so few answers… Perhaps the biggest question on Jenna’s mind is: Will Daddy come home again? In the midst of all these struggles Jenna learns a valuable lesson about God’s care and protection over His children.
Scripture the book “teaches”—
I Peter 3: 12a
For the eyes of the Lord [are] over the righteous, and his ears [are open] unto their prayers:
Friday, February 25, 2011
Living... Loving...Learning...Leaning
That's pretty much what I've been up to lately! I've been...
Living... my life to the fullest. Living with joy and happiness... Living with peace and God's smile of approval upon my heart.
Loving... my family... Loving my friends... Loving my job... Loving my blog background... Loving my church.... Loving God's presence that's been so near... Loving my Jesus above all else!
Learning... about change... Learning about decisions...Learning about faith... Learning about "Joy coming in the morning"... Learning about unconditional love... Learning about obedience and the consequences of obedience... Learning life lessons... Learning that no matter what, I want MORE of JESUS EVERY DAY!!!!!!!
Leaning... On Jesus... and finding more power... peace... patience... perseverance... love... joy... contentment... faith... strength... guidance... than I ever thought possible... I'm learning to LEAN on JESUS!
Living... my life to the fullest. Living with joy and happiness... Living with peace and God's smile of approval upon my heart.
Loving... my family... Loving my friends... Loving my job... Loving my blog background... Loving my church.... Loving God's presence that's been so near... Loving my Jesus above all else!
Learning... about change... Learning about decisions...Learning about faith... Learning about "Joy coming in the morning"... Learning about unconditional love... Learning about obedience and the consequences of obedience... Learning life lessons... Learning that no matter what, I want MORE of JESUS EVERY DAY!!!!!!!
Leaning... On Jesus... and finding more power... peace... patience... perseverance... love... joy... contentment... faith... strength... guidance... than I ever thought possible... I'm learning to LEAN on JESUS!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
" Daystar "
This is one of my very favorite songs! DayStar, shine down on me, let YOUR love shine through me in the night! Truly my hearts desire is that Jesus will shine through me so that others may see Him in me! I'm completely in love with Jesus are you?
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Tuesday Morning Thankfulness
1. My Jesus, who is my ALL in ALL! He's with always and has never let me down! I love You, Jesus, and I KNOW You love me!
2.The Peace of God, that only comes when you're in the center of HIS Will! I'm so thankful that I KNOW that I'm in HIS Will and am right with HIM!
3.My family, that's been by my side through every crazy thing in my life, that's always there for me and that's always loved me!
4.My Friends, amazing... what else can I say about all of you? You're amazing!
5.My Job... it's flexible, pays good, and is cute :) Yes, I babysit :)
6.Music... Good ol' Christian hymns... Victory Trio... Kirkmans... The Mullet Family... The Coblentz Family... Just to name a few "groups" that I love :) then there's all my instrumental hymn CD's and tapes... light classical... yeah, I LOVE my music and am so thankful for it! God has used the words to some of these old songs to help me through many a trial or test!
What are you feeling thankful for this Tuesday Morning?
2.The Peace of God, that only comes when you're in the center of HIS Will! I'm so thankful that I KNOW that I'm in HIS Will and am right with HIM!
3.My family, that's been by my side through every crazy thing in my life, that's always there for me and that's always loved me!
4.My Friends, amazing... what else can I say about all of you? You're amazing!
5.My Job... it's flexible, pays good, and is cute :) Yes, I babysit :)
6.Music... Good ol' Christian hymns... Victory Trio... Kirkmans... The Mullet Family... The Coblentz Family... Just to name a few "groups" that I love :) then there's all my instrumental hymn CD's and tapes... light classical... yeah, I LOVE my music and am so thankful for it! God has used the words to some of these old songs to help me through many a trial or test!
What are you feeling thankful for this Tuesday Morning?
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Conditional Beauty
Jesus promises us in the Bible that He will make all things beautiful in His time. But, did you catch the condition? It doesn't say He'll make it beautiful today, tomorrow, next week, etc, the Lord said He'll make it beautiful in HIS time.
Sometimes we have to go through the fire so He can refine us... sometimes we have to endure the raging seas so He can cleanse us... Sometimes we have to go through dark valleys, so we can learn to lean on HIM... but all of this ultimately brings us to a place where we can be beautiful for our Lord! We can go out into the world and others can see Jesus in us and see HIS beauty shining forth.
We are to be mirrors of Jesus... Yes mirrors. Mirrors reflect the original, and that's we are called to do. Called to be clean, pure, blameless, and without sin, just as Jesus is... and then we can then reflect HIM to the world. When people look at us, they should see JESUS. They should see HIM, in all of HIS beauty, in us... in me!
These thoughts have been rambling but I hope that they have made abit of sense to you... I know how I feel them in my heart but I can't get them out right tonight. Oh well, this is my blog so its ok if I ramble :)
Sometimes we have to go through the fire so He can refine us... sometimes we have to endure the raging seas so He can cleanse us... Sometimes we have to go through dark valleys, so we can learn to lean on HIM... but all of this ultimately brings us to a place where we can be beautiful for our Lord! We can go out into the world and others can see Jesus in us and see HIS beauty shining forth.
We are to be mirrors of Jesus... Yes mirrors. Mirrors reflect the original, and that's we are called to do. Called to be clean, pure, blameless, and without sin, just as Jesus is... and then we can then reflect HIM to the world. When people look at us, they should see JESUS. They should see HIM, in all of HIS beauty, in us... in me!
These thoughts have been rambling but I hope that they have made abit of sense to you... I know how I feel them in my heart but I can't get them out right tonight. Oh well, this is my blog so its ok if I ramble :)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Change has come, and I'm ok with that! I'm very excited to see where God is going to lead me! I know He has a special place all picked out for me to fill and by His grace that is what I'm going to do! I have learned that no matter what happens, God is right here beside me and I can ALWAYS depend on Him, cause He'll never let me down! I love my Jesus with all of my heart!
Change is also coming to this poor blog! This black and white background is driving me to distraction! :) I need COLOR! Soooo, here we go....
Thanks to all of you who are along for the ride here with me! If anyone actually does read this would you comment for me... I'd like to know if I'm actually talking to people or to the computer screen :)
Change is also coming to this poor blog! This black and white background is driving me to distraction! :) I need COLOR! Soooo, here we go....
Thanks to all of you who are along for the ride here with me! If anyone actually does read this would you comment for me... I'd like to know if I'm actually talking to people or to the computer screen :)
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